Return of the Grumpy Old Man

Remember the grumpy old man from my office? The one who repeatedly told me I needed to go for lots of walks now that I’m pregnant? Yeah, Mr. Grump-Grump. He’s back.

He went on a few business trips over the past several weeks, but I saw him today while walking back from lunch. He was about 15 feet behind me as I was nearing my office, and he asked if I had a nice walk. I told him that I did, and I continued on. I didn’t want to turn this into a walk and talk relationship. After all, I’m about 9 inches taller than him. That’s just awkward.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t just leave it at that. The rest of the conversation went like this:

Mr. Grump-Grump: You can take that dog of yours on lots more walks now.

(Note: My walking frequency has not increased during pregnancy. I still walk to and from work twice a day for a total of 40 minutes walking time.)

Me: I don’t often walk our dog these days. He’s quite big and can easily pull me over if he got too excited.

Mr. Grump-Grump: You know, that’s called discipline.

Me: Our dog is very well-behaved. He’s just a puppy and has a lot of energy at times.

Mr. Grump-Grump: How old is he?

Me: 18 months.

Mr. Grump-Grump: *scoffs sarcastically* hah, yeah

I grumbled the rest of the way to my office and decided that even though I wasn’t planning on blogging today, I needed to get this off my chest. The good news is that I have heard he’s looking to take another position in the company that would not be in my AOR. Thank goodness. Though this is nothing like the Why I Can’t Make Mom Friends video, it still makes me think of it. Perhaps it’s because both situations irritate me and make me laugh at the same time. (And if you haven’t seen that video watch it. It’s a goodie.)


  1. i’d probably call him a stronger word than “grump” but since this is your blog and all… i’ll keep it to myself.
    which is what mr. G should do. keep his snide thinly-veiled sarcastic judgemental comments to himself. harumph, indeed.
    don’t waste your time on his negativity.
    beni has my permission to lick him to death!

  2. You have an amazing amount of self-restraint, Sarah. I’ve got to say, I would have told that guy off a long time ago, and certainly would have called him something much worse than Mr. Grump-Grump. I have a temper on me though, haha.
    I hope you don’t let him get to you too much. It’s not like he knows anything about being pregnant.

  3. It makes me absolutely crazy when people offer up unsolicited advice like that! What makes him think he’s an expert?

    By the way, that video is hilarious!

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