Making Choices

Yesterday I mentioned that we would be doing the majority of our registering just after our big gender reveal a week from today. Doing a majority of it then doesn’t mean that we haven’t started picking out “the basics” yet, though. Around the 12th or 13th week, we decided it would be a good idea to start picking out some items that would require a little bit of research. Hah! We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.

Around 7:30 PM one evening, I opened up a registry with Babies ‘R Us and decided a car seat was a good place to start. Two hours later, John and I were both overwhelmed by our choices and the varying research and reviews out there. Half an hour after that, John was out in our car measuring how much space we have in the back seat for an infant base. Shortly after that, he was on the phone with Britax asking about the 80/20 rule. Sometime around 10:30 that night, we settled on the Britax Chaperone infant seat.

Isn’t it great?

We were really glad that we didn’t begin this adventure wide eyed and overwhelmed in an actual store. Starting this way prepared us a bit, and a few days later we tackled the stroller. We’re on board to get the BOB revolution 12”. Again, isn’t it great? 🙂

We have picked out a few other things here and there: some baby wearing gear, bottles, a little cloth diapering gear (though most of what we want to use isn’t available at Babies ‘R Us or Target, so we’ll end up doing that on our own), and a couple toys. Everything else is waiting for Wednesday.

You know what I don’t have picked out yet? Nursery colors. I don’t have anything picked out for either option. I’m thinking I’ll find the bedding and go from there. I hope that works out!


  1. i love how there’s so much information out there. and you’ll find, too, that EVERYONE has an opinion! ha!
    does your carseat snap into your stroller?
    if it does, you’ll love being able to take the carseat and load it up on the stroller because a) you dont’ have to wake your little one and b) those dang carseats are HEAVY and so awkward to carry!!
    this little feature wasn’t invented until after (grrr) my kids were done being tiny infants. it was so hard to pull them out of their carseats asleep only to have them HOWL with frustration being put in the stroller. #1 child was not. a. fan. of shopping. sigh.
    so fun and exciting to be picking out tangible reminders that you are embarking on a super awesome journey.
    thanks for sharing it with us!
    happy gestating!

    • We have registered for this little mechanism that allows us to snap the car seat onto the BOB stroller, so hopefully it works! We have read a few reviews where people say it works for them, so hopefully they’re right. We are also going to try to take a look at everything in person next week to confirm it will all go together.

      Thanks for reading! 🙂

  2. The stroller you picked out looks quite similar to the one that the boy I nanny uses. I like it because it’s sturdy!
    I like the idea you guys had of researching this sort of stuff at home first, I probably would have had a meltdown in a store if it was me!

  3. I definitely encourage picking out bedding first- I think it’s easier to match paint accessories to it than the other way around!

    I have no other input on strollers/carriers as I have not done this before, but have heard about all the research others (and now you) have done! My friend who is due in less than a month got this really cool swing- it goes in all directions and looks like one of those hanging papsan (sp?) chairs. Crazy baby stuff these days!

  4. I can’t really add anything “useful” concerning all things baby-related, as I’ve never had one myself, but I LOVE the car seat, the cow-skin design is just awesome!

  5. If you have a chance when you’re in Austin you should check out Wee on 2nd Street. One of my friends works there and they have some really great, different stuff.
    Can’t wait to hear what you’re having!

  6. You will not regret your Britax car seat. Indy had the infant carrier (it was called something different when we bought it), the Marathon and then the Regent, which he sat in until just recently (he’s 8!). We love Britax. The Regent was so big I could almost sit in it. They make wonderful and very safe seats. Your little “monkey” will be well protected.

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