Ten on Tuesday (vol. 17)

After missing last week’s fun Ten on Tuesday (planning fail), I am back. Head over to Roots and Rings to see everyone else’s Ten on Tuesday!

1. Pretend it’s Monday morning–take us through a day in the life of you.
My alarm goes off at 6:48. I don’t like waking up at 6:45 because it really does seem that much earlier to me. That and I don’t like odd numbers. I know. Me = Weird. I hit snooze a few times before waking up enough to check my email, the weather and Facebook on my iPhone. I finally get up, shower and get ready, finishing my morning routine with breakfast for me and for Beni. Then it’s off to work until noon-ish. I come home for lunch for an hour (saves money on eating out!). I head back to work until 5, when I come home, prep and cook dinner, eat and watch a TV show or two with John. Then I usually knit or read for a while before heading to bed. We’re exciting people. It’s amazing I don’t have more to blog about.

2. What’s your favorite reality tv show?
Other than The Biggest Loser, we don’t really watch any reality TV shows, so I guess BL wins by default.

3. What motto do you live by?
I don’t? I do have Colossians 3:12-17 inscribed on the inside of my wedding band (as does John). We really like those verses.

4. If you knew could you try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?
I would open a market with local foods and environmentally friendly packaging. I’d also have a bakery/café connected to the market.

5. What was your first job?
I started as a malt maker at a 50s style diner. A few weeks later, they moved me up to server. I worked there for about a year and a half and loved it. It was probably the best job I’ve ever had. Is that sad?

6. What is your current job?
I don’t like to talk about my current employer on here at all, so I’m sorry but I’m skipping this one.

7. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name (and you cannot pick the one you already have)?
I used to want to go by one of my middle names (yes, I have two), but as I have gotten older, I have decided I really like the name Sarah despite it’s popularity among girls my age. I can’t pick another name. I’m Sarah, and that’s that!

8. What musical instruments can you play?
Piano, violin, guitar and flute…I’m not very good at the latter two, and I’m only so-so at the first two

9. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgive, but I do forget pretty easily too. I think.

10. What is one food you’d never want to taste again?
Olives. No contest.


  1. When I was a kid, I hated olives so much that I used to hold my breath whenever we walked past the olive section of the grocery store, haha.

  2. I wake up at 6:05 since I can’t imagine waking up at 6. That’s way too early!

    Oh, and my first job as a cashier was probably my favorite, so I’m just as sad!

  3. I totally agree with you about #7. Growing up, it annoyed me how many kids at school had the same name, but now, I can’t imagine having any name other than Sarah.

  4. Olives are disgusting, I agree. But how is it that olive oil is so fantastic??

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