‘Til Gabriel Blows His Horn

When we first began making plans to transition out of Army life, we had pictured ourselves moving back to San Antonio and both getting jobs. About 6 months ago, that plan changed. John decided he wanted to go back to the University of Texas to finish what he started and earn a degree.

Ladies and gentlemen, I very proudly announce that yesterday, we found out that John has been re-admitted to the University effective next summer! We both screamed and yelled when we found out. It was not a for sure deal that he would get in, and in fact, it took quite a bit of work on John’s part. I am so proud of my husband and look forward to seeing him back on the 40 Acres.

Congratulations, honey! Texas, Texas, Yehaw!

Since we’ll be moving back to Austin instead of San Antonio, I had to refocus my job research. Optimally, I want to work in one of the following fields: urban development, public affairs, education, or hospitality. I know that sounds like a wide range of job fields, but they do have nice overlaps in places. Additionally, I will be able to have a wider job market to look at when I start applying for jobs. Does anyone have any employers they recommend? I know it sounds crazy to think that we’re planning all of this one year in advance, but moving around the world and transitioning to completely new jobs takes quite a bit of planning. Can you believe all our household goods and our car will be packed and shipped in just 7 short months? We can’t either!

Hook’ em!


  1. yay! congrats john! so excited for you to be back to the best city in the world. can’t wait!

  2. Didn’t want you to miss out on your prize over at The bright side-you won something but if it is not claimed by the 22nd, someone can swoop your prize. Hope you get it.


    • Thanks, Susie! Normally I only check the site on weekdays, but as soon as I saw your message this evening, I hopped on over there to claim my prize.

      Again, I appreciate the heads up. Have a great day!

  3. Hi, I saw you are the other Fossil bag winner. ICongratulations. I remember reading your comment and immideatly loving it when I was entering the contest. So you really deserve the prize to my opinion.

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