A Pyro at Heart

I think everyone’s a pyro at heart, so I am skipping Seven Quick Takes this week to bring you giggling, fire and the story of our New Year’s Eve.

Initially, we thought we might enjoy a quiet night in to ring in the new year, but after our dinner of steak, twice-baked potatoes, black-eyed peas and wine, we decided to go to a local Irish pub for a beer. We stayed there for about 2 hours before walking over to the Neckar River at 11:55 PM to enjoy fireworks. As I’ve mentioned before, Germans can set off fireworks within the city limits, and for a day, pretty much everyone is a pyro.

In 2007, we spent New Year’s Eve in Paris. Last year we spent New Year’s Eve in a small German town with some friends. Both previous experiences involved fireworks being shot off within city limits and sometimes within a dangerous distance of people, but both experiences pale in comparison with New Year’s Eve 2009. I was overwhelmed by the number of people setting off fireworks, and twice, we were a bit too close. John even pulled a bit of “firework” (ash) out of his hair on the drive home). We also almost drove over a large green firework as it exploded in the street about 2 blocks from our apartment.

Every time I explain these shenanigans to people who haven’t experienced it, I feel like no one understands the magnitude of this craziness. Therefore, I took a video of our experience down on the Neckar on New Year’s Eve. Note that the fireworks really started when it got dark (around 5 PM), and I have heard that many people heard some still going off around 5 AM. Of course, midnight, when this was taken, was the height of the excitement.

At 1:30 and 1:50, I apologize for my screaming, but I thought we were going to be attacked by fireworks. I make no apologies for my maniacal giggling. Also, minutes 2-3 are insane.

[wpvideo F3chcHMj]

So who wants to come visit us for New Year’s?


  1. Glad no one was injured! 🙂 Happy new year!

  2. THAT is CRAZY! haha…I would have been totally freaked out.

  3. I do! I do! I want to go next NYE!! It’s like that in Taiwan (and I assume many other Asian countries), but more so for Chinese New Year. Too bad you can’T bring fireworks on the plane, otherwise I’d bring one to show all the Germans up while screaming “SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!”

    • Hah. Well you could always plan your next trip here for NYE 2010. We’re thinking of going to Berlin, but who knows…

      • What I’ve read and know about Berlin is that it’s actually really cheap to travel there compared to other major European cities. I’m still only a permanent resident status and requires Schengen visa when I go to Europe but there’s been news that possibly as early as this summer ppl w/ Taiwan passport won’t have to anymore. Combination of more recognition at the UN and treaty to import a certain amount of goods from the Euro Zone probably.

  4. Thats crazy! And yes, I still heard them around 3AM. Kept waking Aurora up! Its crazy here for New Years!

  5. That is pure craziness!! The fireworks were insane but the comments and laughter from you guys were hilarious. You should definitely try the “oh my gosh” drinking game with this clip. Better do it with DP though or you will be out cold by the end of the video. 🙂

    They sell fireworks in the grocery store and Walmart here but our New Years is nothing like that… not that we would know, we’ve been in bed before midnight the last 3 years. How lame are we??

    • Haha I love the drinking game suggestion. Speaking of Dr. Pepper, I haven’t had any in awhile and now I’m craving some! Mmmm.

      And y’all aren’t lame. We were joking at how tired we were when leaving our apartment at 9:45 PM to go out. 9:45 is pretty much our bedtime. (My boss frequently tells me to go back to my nursing home. Awesome.)

  6. How fun! Reminds me of selling fireworks. 😉 LOVED your giggles, made me laugh over my breakfast.


  7. I’m totally cracking up about your new year’s. Matt and I had a similiar experience one year up in the courtyard of the Heidelberg Schloss, and I then and there made the commitment to NEVER EVER do that again! Fun, yet terrifying!

  8. That video could just have been mine, too 😉 I have to say that I was quite shocked this NYE at the amount of pyros going off.
    I spent the evening with my boyfriend and some friends in a small normally peaceful village. But this year I rather felt like it was war going on outside. So, for next year, I decided I’ll go to a quiet place, perhaps somewhere in the Alps far away from the civilization to spend a quiet NYE without fearing that any firworks will come crashing through the windows…

  9. O my gosh. That is crazy!!! I’d love to witness that!

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