Our First Guest

We had our first guest in our new home this week! Our friend from Austin, Steve, was traveling back to the States from a few weeks of mission work in Africa and Central Asia and had an overnight layover in Frankfurt. He took the train to Heidelberg and arrived in around 11 PM on Tuesday night. We enjoyed visiting with him for the short time he was at our house (John took him back to the train station at 7:50 AM the next day), and it was great to see a familiar face.

It also gave us incentive to put the sheets on our guest bed. Our unpacking has come to a crawl as we started the work week and things got crazy. Hopefully we’ll have time this weekend to finish getting unpacked, and I will have time to also finish up my comps. Woo!

In less happy news, John and I both went to the dentist this morning. John had a cleaning, and I had the reallyfun stuff done – fillings. Did you know that white fillings only have a “life expectancy” of 4-5 years? I didn’t. Apparently one of mine wasn’t good anymore and had actually decayed a bit under the filling. (Gross, I know, but I think this is important to know if you have a white filling.) After 2 hours in the dentist chair, I got that filling fixed and one other tooth filled. Yuck. I (sadly and shamefully) have a few more to go. I swear I brush twice a day, floss and use Listerine. Perhaps this is a product of my distaste for milk? Meh…

This morning the phrase “drill baby drill” got a new meaning, and it wasn’t funny.

– Sarah


  1. Some people just have sensitive teeth. I’m like that too. It sucks! My brother gets them a lot too. So does my mom. But my sister never gets them. It’s not fair. Or comfortable.

  2. yay for dentists (keeps the ole teeth from falling out of your head) but BOOO for drilling (a necessary evil, but we don’t have to enjoy it, right??)
    sorry you had to spend two hours of your life in a chair. lame!!
    to answer your question about the niece situation, i don’t think i’ve blogged about her, so i’m thinking i should. stay tuned!!

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