Today Fiesta is wrapping up in San Antonio, and all the festivities will be over by on Sunday. For those of you who don’t know, Fiesta is an 11-day-long celebration with 107 official events across town. (To find out more about Fiesta, click the link at the beginning of this post.)

I really miss not being able to participate in Fiesta events — so much so that we have already talked about making a trip to San Antonio next April that will coincide with Fiesta.

My Nostalgic Friday post today is all about San Antonio’s Fiesta celebration. During my freshman year in college, I had to put together a photo story for my intro to photojournalism class. I chose to document a Fiesta duchess’ experience during Fiesta. Excuse the bad scans…


Getting her dress fitted at the dress maker’s house (image of her is reflected in mirror…her actual arm is on the left side of the frame)


More measurements…


Part of the REALLY long train


The craziness “backstage” at the Monday night River Parade. I got back there and then realized the police were guarding the area. I’m not sure how I got past them…I’ve chalked it up to looking like I knew what I was doing.

These two photos were just snapped while at NIOSA (A Night in Old San Antonio) a couple years back:



I LOVE these things. They’re called Shypoke Eggs, and it’s just a tostada (big round tortilla chip) with a jalapeno slice in the middle covered with white and yellow cheese. It looks like a fried egg because of the colors, and it tastes delicious. Who doesn’t like cheese?!

Happy Friday and Viva Fiesta!

– Sarah


  1. VIVA!!! I made Brittany try shypoke eggs… the jalapenos were a bit much for the Wyoming girl. 🙂

    missed you there!

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