Just Another Monday

It’s “Not Me!” Monday, which is a chance for everyone to be brutally honest about what they have not been doing this week. Normally, you can head over to My Charming Kids to see what MckMama and others have not been up to this week, but I don’t think MckMama will post a “Not Me!” Monday post today. A week ago yesterday, she took her youngest son, Stellan (5 months old), to the ER and he ended up having SVT (supraventricular tachycardia). He has not been able to come out of SVT for a prolonged period since before last Sunday evening. He has also had periods of V-tach (ventricular tachycardia), which is even more dangerous than SVT. Please pray for their family.

In honor of Stellan, I will still post my “Not Me! Monday,” so without further ado:


As I have mentioned, I was in class all last week (Tuesday-Sunday) and will be in class Tuesday-Sunday again this week. Often, my attention will wane in class, especially if I haven’t had a break in awhile. In the past, I have daydreamed about what I’m going to do after class, on the weekend or just some random other thoughts. My life is not so domestic and grown up that I spent a good portion of class on Saturday daydreaming about using our brand new vacuum. Seriously. My life is more exciting than that.

Most of you all know how prepared I am at all times. For goodness’ sake, I sent out detailed itineraries for every family member on our wedding day. It’s impossible, then, that I would have failed to finish reading ANY of the 5 books assigned for my history course last week. So when I went to class on Tuesday, I was not surprised nor panicked that the professor assigned each of us to TEACH a book to the class in the following days. I did not spent the next 2 days reading a book about the Russian and Mexican revolutions and the US’ involvement in each, nor did I spend the last 2 hours before class frantically putting together a slide show with notes so I would look like I knew what I was talking about.

While playing with Béni last week, I did not stand up directly into the corner of the bathroom counter. Subsequently, I did not scream so loud that I scared our poor puppy, causing him to run out of the room and far away from me. Poor thing! (And my poor head! It was not bruised for a better part of the week.)

On Tuesday night, I was not so tired and out of it in the middle of the night between taking Béni out to go to the bathroom that I dreamed I had forgotten to put him back in his crate. I did not dream (but think it was completely real) that he was wandering around our bedroom and partially wake up and frantically reach around the bedroom floor looking for him. Nope, I definitely did not do that.

What did you not do this week?


Thank you all for your messages to feel better. After resting up yesterday evening, I feel so much better, and I’m pretty sure I’m ready to conquer this week and this course!


I took quite a few pictures of Béni this morning, so I put together a short slide show of all the pictures John and I have taken of Béni since we brought him home. Enjoy!

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.803382&w=425&h=350&fv=host%3Dpicasaweb.google.com%26captions%3D1%26noautoplay%3D0%26RGB%3D0x000000%26feed%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpicasaweb.google.com%252Fdata%252Ffeed%252Fapi%252Fuser%252Fsarahcaroline%252Falbumid%252F5318898123812955041%253Fkind%253Dphoto%2526alt%253Drss%2526authkey%253DGv1sRgCO24jMq9zOrF7QE]

– Sarah

One Comment

  1. Beni is so cute!!!! I miss Scooter and Gizzue being that small. Cute Not Me’s

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