John’s 25 Things

My turn to post 25 things you might not know about me… Enjoy!

1. I love to clean my ears. I will sometimes keep cleaning them even after they are clean because I think it feels so good. It’s like scratching an itch I didn’t even know I had.

2. I have a cookie problem. If someone doesn’t control me I will eat an entire package of Oreos in one sitting. It’s embarrassing really. Embarrassing and delicious.

3. One time in elementary school I punched my best friend Eric in the stomach because he said that he was going to try to kiss the girl that I “liked”. When I hit him, he farted. It was so funny that I wasn’t mad at him anymore.

4. I’m in the Army. As much as I hate being in the Army, and as much as I have a hard time with the idea of what Jesus would do if he were faced with war, I still feel proud when I put on my uniform. I love my country and I love the people there.  If God calls me to, I will do anything to defend them.

5. I play the guitar, I really should play more often. I just got a bunch of recording equipment, so maybe I’ll start playing more often. Heck, Maybe I’ll make an album.

6. I somehow inherited by dad’s sense of humor. I am destined for a life of bad puns and fart jokes.

7. I talk way too loud sometimes, I know I do it. I don’t mean to do it, but every time someone tells me I am being too loud it hurts my feelings.

8. In the last few months I have discovered that I have a heart for the country of Haiti. I have spent a lot of time reading about political and cultural issues that keep Haiti in poverty and I would really like to be able to do something to help there. I would eventually love to start a school there. If all goes well with finishing my education then I would like to get a masters in public affairs or global policy… that would be a good start.

9. I am a world champion tuba player. No, really.

10. My belly button collects lint way faster than should be humanly possible. I mean… its really pretty weird. Maybe I will make a sculpture of belly button lint. On second thought, thats not such a good idea.

11. I am over-worked and under-appreciated. Perhaps everyone could put this though.

12. I really am secretly a cry baby. I am a little embarrassed to admit this, but I cry at everything, weddings, births, extreme-makeover home edition, sad movies, happy movies, commercials of babies… Shhh. Don’t tell.

13. Hmmm… I think this one should be manly considering the last one… How about, I have fired the following weapons: M4 Rifle, M16 Rifle, M203 Grenade Launcher, AT-4 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher, M249 Squad Automatic Weapon Machine Gun, 240B Machine Gun, MK 19 Fully Automatic Grenade Launcher, 9mm Handgun, 50cal Machine Gun, Claymore mine system, 12/16/20 Gauge Shotguns.

14. No I have never killed anyone with any of the above weapons. (Or in any other way for that matter)

15. I have always had very eclectic music tastes. My parents would wonder what was wrong with me because one day they would hear Metal playing in my room and the next day I would be listening to Sinatra.

16. I can play the following instruments: Guitar (see #5), Tuba (see #9), Trombone, Euphonium, Trumpet, Piano, and Drums. I can barely play the sax and the clarinet.

17.My first car was a 1989 Acura Legend. I loved that car. I drove it waaaaaaaaay to fast and managed to slam it into a parked car while I was traveling at about 60mph through a neighborhood. I ended up in the hospital. The car ended up in the junk yard. When I totalled it, it had 353,000 miles on it. Good car.

18. I hate living in Germany. The food here sucks. Who the heck eats schnitzel anyways? Gross.

19. Currently in my CD player: 1. Anberlin -Cities 2. Christian Mix CD 3. Britney Spears – Circus (I can hear you all groaning, but its just so catchy!) 4. Casting Crowns 5. Awesome Mix CD that Sarah made me.

20. I used to have hair down past my chin almost to my shoulders. It was poofy. One time I straightened it and it made me look like a new-waver.

21. I am always right. Always. I have never been wrong in my whole life. Except that one time when I thought I was wrong but it turned out I was right. I was wrong about being wrong.

23. I think this article: about 25 things is kinda funny.

24. I use way too much hair product. Really. I can’t help it though. My hair looks stupid without a full gallon of mousse in it.

25. I dropped out of UT. It was a mistake. The ramifications of that mistake affect every single aspect of my life. I am currently taking classes from UT via the internet while I am stationed here in sunny Deutschland, but I will finish after I get out of the Army. I sometimes regret having made the bad decision to drop out. However, God has a plan for me… if I hadn’t dropped out of UT, I would never have been working at Trudy’s when Sarah came in. I would not be married to her. Thank God, I made such an awful decision. I love my wife. I love my wife. I love my wife.



  1. #6 me too. and I’m a girl, not quite as appropriate…
    #20 made me laugh

    I miss y’all and am looking so forward to getting to know you better when y’all move back.

  2. I’m totally with you on #1. My dog makes these great moany noises when I clean her ears, and I wish it were socially acceptable for me to do something similar. It just feels so good!

  3. Ok, the ear thing was kinda gross, but funny too.

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