Neckar River Iced Over

As I mentioned in my last post, we were surprised to see the Neckar River, which runs through Heidelberg, had large frozen sections in it. Since today it got above freezing for the first time in at least 9 days, and probably since at least the 29th of December (when we got back – I think it’s been below freezing since we got back), I decided I should get these pictures up ASAP. Also, I still need to share the rest of our pictures from Texas before we go skiing this weekend, because I’m sure we’ll have many new photos and stories to share when we get back from that.

So without further ado, here are the icy Neckar River pictures followed by some from the hills around Heidelberg and Königstuhl, which is at the top of the hill next to Heidelberg. The final photos are of John’s new sword he got from work. It’s a replica of an old Bulgarian sword.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.770363&w=425&h=350&]

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  1. so pretty!! y’all should try snow-shoeing, it’s a good workout and you can go into the woods/fields without sinking in snow.
    miss you! tell john congrats on his sword!!!

  2. Nice photos! It must be really cold up on the Koenigstuhl at this time of year!!

  3. Hi…grusse!

    Like the pics and the Neckar frozen..i last saw Neckar river in 1991!! 18 years back:)…Ich habe in HD studiet..IGH schule,Rohbarch….Danke!

  4. Hallo Asif, glad you could see some pictures of it iced over! Tschuss!

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