Prop 8, National Defense, General David McKiernan
The Netherlands: Part 2
Finally catching up on all our travel blogging… Sunday before last, we headed back to Germany from Holland but not before we explored the beach along the North Sea in Katwijk. We took Béni, and he had a blast. He dug his first hole ever (uh-oh, but also sooooo cute)…
Two Weekends of Travel – Check!
As my niece used to say when she was going to miss some of the action, “PAUSE!” Things have been crazy starting the new job, unpacking from last weekend’s trip and getting ready for this weekend’s 4-day trip to Paris. Sorry I have to postpone my Netherlands Part 2 post…
The Netherlands: Part 1
There’s so much to tell about this trip that I’m going to have to break this up into two posts. We were supposed to leave Friday morning, but earlier in the week, John was told his request for the day off (which was previously approved) was now denied and he…
And folks like me on the job from nine to five
Except it will be more like 7:45 to 4:45… That’s right, after 14 months of searching for a job, I got a job offer! My tentative start date is Thursday, pending completion of all the HR paperwork. It’s not a government job, but is on post with a contractor. I…