Category: Our Goings On
Garmisch Part 1: The Drive & Zugspitze
We got back from our trip to the Alps (Garmisch) Monday night, and I was overjoyed to get to sleep in our bed. The views may be incredible in Garmisch, but the beds and pillows at the hotel are nicht sehr gut (not so good). We got to Garmisch fairly…
He’s got the whole world in his pants.
To the Alps!
(AKA my first ski trip) Yup, we’re leaving in (hopefully) 4-4.5 hours for the Alps for a weekend of skiing. Thankfully, I feel much better today. Now, I think I just have a bit of a cold, and I can deal with that. I could not, however, ski with the…
Visit to Texas: Photos
As I’ve mentioned before, we visited Texas from December 14-29th. We will never fly Northwest again. Not only were the flights horrendous and the layovers excessively long, but they lost one of our suitcases for 14 days. It was returned to us the day before we flew back to Germany.…
Neckar River Iced Over
As I mentioned in my last post, we were surprised to see the Neckar River, which runs through Heidelberg, had large frozen sections in it. Since today it got above freezing for the first time in at least 9 days, and probably since at least the 29th of December (when…
Garmisch Part 1: The Drive & Zugspitze
We got back from our trip to the Alps (Garmisch) Monday night, and I was overjoyed to get to sleep in our bed. The views may be incredible in Garmisch, but the beds and pillows at the hotel are nicht sehr gut (not so good). We got to Garmisch fairly…
He’s got the whole world in his pants.
To the Alps!
(AKA my first ski trip) Yup, we’re leaving in (hopefully) 4-4.5 hours for the Alps for a weekend of skiing. Thankfully, I feel much better today. Now, I think I just have a bit of a cold, and I can deal with that. I could not, however, ski with the…
Visit to Texas: Photos
As I’ve mentioned before, we visited Texas from December 14-29th. We will never fly Northwest again. Not only were the flights horrendous and the layovers excessively long, but they lost one of our suitcases for 14 days. It was returned to us the day before we flew back to Germany.…
Neckar River Iced Over
As I mentioned in my last post, we were surprised to see the Neckar River, which runs through Heidelberg, had large frozen sections in it. Since today it got above freezing for the first time in at least 9 days, and probably since at least the 29th of December (when…