Author: sarah
A Singing Banana?
I can’t remember the last time I had a GOOD dream. Most mornings, I wake up thinking “that was a scary/bad/strange dream.” Last night was more of the same, but I remember a brief part of the dream that wasn’t so bad. I remember being with a group of 4-5…
Yesterday was the end of the Faschings season in Germany. Apparently it begins on November 11th and runs through Shrove Tuesday/Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras. From what I understand, it involves parades, scary or funny costumes, and drinking. I was supposed to go to Schwetzingen’s Faschingsumzug (Faschings parade) yesterday, but I was…
Gmail is Down
I was looking for a blog topic today, and then bam! Gmail went down. I’m not very computer-savvy, but it seemed like a big deal, so I checked Twitter. If you’re interested, visit Twitterfall for an endless stream of tweets on the outage. It’s actually pretty incredible. When I first…
Our New Puppy: Barky?
Two…Two…Blast Off!
WordPress just announced that blogs can now have threaded comments. What this means is that you can now reply directly to the post OR to someone else’s previous comment. I think that’s pretty cool stuff. I really liked that feature when I blogged on LiveJournal (2002-2006). I have turned the…