In the News Again

John’s unit inactivated at the end of last month, and they had a ceremony where they “cased the colors.”  It was actually kind of cool.  They wrap up the unit’s flag, and that symbolizes the end of the unit.  John was assigned to color guard duty for the inactivation and carried the US flag.  I went to the ceremony and took a few pictures and someone from John’s work forwarded photos of John’s photo in the newspaper, which I have also included in the photo strip below.


holding the flag

still holding the flag

taking down the flag (not the one John was carrying)

taking down the flag

coins given as a thanks to John for his color guard duty

local newspaper

local newspaper

Also, as a teaser for more Germany pics, check out a photo taken in the car on our drive between our apartment and John’s work.

Pretty, huh?

John also has some exciting news to share, but I will let him post about that later. Stay tuned!


  1. whats the big news?!?!?! can’t wait! =)

  2. spillllllllllllllllll it!!!!

  3. That’s so cool that John keeps making the news!! 🙂

    PS- I finally created a regular blog: 🙂

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