Hot Weather

Apparently I get extremely hot (and dare I admit very sweaty?) when it’s 57 degrees Fahrenheit outside. Really. Today is post clean up day. *eye roll* See, the idea behind housing on post is to provide the same conditions of living as we would find “on the economy” in an apartment. I don’t know of any apartment complexes in the US where you’re required to mow your own lawn, sweep and mop the stairs, clean the laundry room, pull weeds, etc. Whatever.

What makes it worse is that DPW (kind of like city public services/works) scheduled the spring post clean up during AC ’09, which is a training exercise that requires a good percentage of the soldiers stationed here to be TDY (aka away on business) or tied up at work. Who does that leave cleaning the post? The few people who aren’t involved in AC ’09 and spouses. Yippee.

I don’t mean to complain so much. Lately, John and I have just had a lot of frustrations with being here. This morning didn’t set the tone well for the day. He had to call in to try to get a same day appointment. After spending an hour on hold, we found out that they were not taking any appointments today because their system was down. (We were number 7 in line. We called back and found out there were 44 other people in line. There was no message on the phone system or online to alert people that they were not taking appointments today. Ugh.)

Anyway, I really want John to be able to get an appointment. His knees have been hurting him for quite awhile now, and he has been wanting to make a appointment for months, but work is so busy that he never feels like he can get away.


I need to go meet John for lunch now, so I will leave you on a happy note.

Look how big Béni has gotten!

Look how big Béni has gotten!

This weekend at the Kaffeehaus, he was showing off his terrible 2's. (Sorry for the blurry photo.)

This weekend at the Kaffeehaus, he was showing off his terrible 2's. (Sorry for the blurry photo.)

– Sarah


  1. can i tell you how much i LOVE picutes and stories about beni?? it reminds me so much of when abby was a toddler. lol. did i also share the story of how abby ate (and yes, i said ATE) the front seat of my car??(had to get it replaced. yikes!) she was alone in my car for 15 minutes!! how do they do that??
    i think everyone should serve at least two years in the military. don’t you think people would stop living life in auto pilot and actually take an interest in what is going on around them?? like the frustrations of socialized medical care? or of dealing with a system where you don’t always get what you want when you want it??
    yeah, two years in the military and two years waiting tables. that would be worth 4 years in college FOR SURE!
    hope you get everything done/cleaned. and that john gets help for his sore knees (after shredding for two weeks, mine are a bit sore too!!)
    peace and have a great rest of the week!

    • Thanks! I was hoping that I wasn’t getting annoying by talking about Béni all the time. I’m glad someone is enjoying the photos and stories!

      I hadn’t heard that story about Abby, but that reminds me…we put Béni in the car for 10-15 minutes on Sunday and he went nuts. He must have gotten really scared and stressed. He tore the upholstery away from the frame of the back of our back seats (he was in the back of the SUV). Poor little guy! We’ll never do that again!

      Serving time in the military definitely gives some perspective, you’re right — as does waiting tables! I definitely think everyone should wait tables in their life. John waited tables for longer than I did, but I waited tables for a total of about 2 years during high school and college.

      Though I didn’t have a great day yesterday, today is looking up! I just posted everything I’ve accomplished, and I’m ready to tackle the rest of the day! Thanks for the great comment 🙂

  2. sooo cutte! i love your pictures!

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