A Bit Behind in Blogging

Sorry we have really fallen behind in the blogging world. Since I have been back, I feel like I have had nothing to do except run to wedding-related appointments, keep up with schoolwork, and keep my apartment clean. It has been exhausting, but it helps pass the time until John comes for his very short visit in March.

I need to be getting to bed soon, so I have to keep this short. I just wanted to update everyone on what has been done for the wedding thus far. (The following is why I haven’t had very much free time…this was all done in the past 3 weeks.)

* meet with the coordinator at our venue and sign the contract
* meet with the minister at our church and discuss the ceremony
* find a baker and decide on bride’s and groom’s cake designs and flavorings
* meet with the venue coordinator (again) to go over menu options and floor plan
* meet with florist for initial consult and planning
* make THREE trips to the place we’re getting our invitations…trip 3: get invitations, wedding book, and thank yous
* go wedding dress shopping
* find wedding dress and place order (!)
* go to bridal fair
* find someone to be an extra set of legs on the day of the wedding to help coordinate things
* meet with DJ and start looking at music format
* select a hairdresser and someone to do my make-up
* pick up save the date cards, stuff envelopes, address then and send them out
* create various guest lists for wedding-related events
* start and finish registries at Pottery Barn and Williams-Sonoma… our registry at Dillard’s is ALMOST done. I just need to register for some towels and a casserole dish or two
* meet with florist again to discuss floor plan and centerpieces and cement flower and color choices

Ok, I think that’s it. I really think planning a wedding should qualify a person to be a CEO.

My birthday is coming up on Friday, and I haven’t been able to throw anything together. I have concentrated everything on wedding planning – yikes! I am thinking I will just do an open house type thing here at the apartment and just enjoy seeing friends. I haven’t had time (surprisingly, haha) to see many people since I got back fro Germany, so this would be a nice opportunity.

I hope everyone had a good Superbowl Sunday. Yay Giants!


  1. geez wedding planning is a full time job,eh?! and yeah, i’m glad the giants won too (they beat the packers and any team that does that gets an “A” in my book!) take care..hopefully i can see you at some point when i come back for spring break..?

  2. Yeah, if I’m in town, I would love to see you!

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