2008 Election

We stayed up all night on the 4th to watch the election results come in. Barack Obama was declared the winner and President-Elect just after 6 AM here, and we stayed up until about 6:40 AM listening to McCain’s concession speech and Obama’s victory speech. It was a historic night, and I’m really glad we stayed up to watch it all unfold.

It was really neat to see everyone’s reaction when the results were announced. I know that some people were also very upset, but I hope that everyone will be supportive now that Obama is going to be our next president. I know that won’t happen, because not everyone was supportive of Bush, but I wish people respected the presidency as much as they used to.

Anyway, John took Wednesday off from work so we could recover, but it’s really taken through this weekend for us to get back to normal with our sleep. He also has Monday (today) and Tuesday off from work for a long Veteran’s Day weekend holiday. We haven’t done too much. Today the big thing was that I cleaned my keyboard. Neat, huh?

But really, this weekend has been great. I had given one of my best friends permission to call me any time of day or night under one condition…that she had gotten engaged…and SHE DID!! She called early Sunday morning, and I’m so incredibly excited for her!

The other exciting thing we did this weekend was go to the Christmas bazaar they held on post. Vendors from all over came to bring furniture, antiques, crafts and food. It was a lot of fun. We walked around for about 3.5 hours and bought a bottle of wine, the most amazing cheese I’ve EVER tasted (it’s from Holland) and some chocolates. We also got a nutella crepe, which is one of my favorite treats.

Sunday afternoon, we went back to the bazaar, because we had really liked one of the vendor’s antiques. We ended up getting an amazing 100-year-old dining room hutch. It’s being delivered later this week. I can’t wait to get it and take pictures to show you guys. This is the first big piece of furniture that John and I have gotten together. Of course we have also bought a bed, kitchen table and desks, but they’re from IKEA and won’t be long-lasting. Hopefully this will be. It’s already been around 100 years! The guy who sold it to us says the style was only used from 1903-1907 and it’s either from Darmstadt or Munich. Very cool.

After we made that exciting purchase, we went to see <i>High School Musical 3</i>, which was actually really good. Both John and I thought it was the best of the 3 HSM movies.

Yesterday night, we had dinner at home and watched TV. I had a glass of red wine with dinner and another with some of our new cheese. Too bad those TWO glasses gave me a headache from about 9:45 last night until about 3 this afternoon. Geez.

Today I spent the day “shopping” online. I had no idea what to even ask for for Christmas, because I don’t go shopping much anymore. After digging through Anthropologie, Urband Outfitters, GAP and Amazon.com, I have a pretty good idea of some things I would like to have. It was fun to go shopping even if it was from my computer.

Oh, and since I’m posting on her birthday, “happy birt” to John’s younger sister, Sarah!


  1. high school musical 3 rocks! was it in english with subtitles! do you get to see german movies there?!

  2. It was in English. We have a movie theatre on post.

  3. hahaha, Dutch cheese is really good 😉 haha… that’s why you have to come over at some point!!! Still no luck on the job hunting (unfortunately…)I’m getting a bit stressed out.

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