Photo Recap: Summer 2008

We have a lot of summer photos to catch up on in order to get our blog so we can be updating on current events instead of always trying to catch up. I figured the best way to recap everything was through a slide show. I have done my best to caption everything so you know what’s going on. As always, just click the slide show to open in a new window with larger photos. I also included a video (and will include some more in the days to come).

Just a quick FYI as well…I wrote awhile back that it was already turning into fall, but that ended up changing. We had several more hot days tease us, including while we were in Baden-Baden. (It got up to 91 one day while we were there!) However, as soon as Labor Day hit, the weather changed. It was crazy! Now our lows are in the lower 40s (40-41, actually) and the highs are between 57 and 63. The one exception is today. It’s 77 right now, and I actually think that’s hot. I guess that means I’ve adjusted to the cooler summers here. It’ll be hard when we go back to Texas in the summertime!

Speaking of weather, everyone please be safe as Ike heads toward Texas. We’re seeing news of it here, and hope that everyone stays safe. We’re thinking of you all!

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.686375&w=425&h=350&]

And the video:



  1. I love your hair cut!

  2. Beautiful pictures! Enjoyed seeing all the places you have been able to go to and loved seeing the pictures of you – makes me feel just a little bit closer ! 🙂

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