
I tried to think of a clever title, but then all I could think of was “pop, lock it, drop it,” which conjured up images of Monkey dropping and being born already, and I don’t want to think about that. I also had “Pop” by N’Syncย in my head (I can’t believe I just admitted that), but I didn’t think anyone would catch on to the reference if my title was “Pop! Baby you can’t stop!” It just doesn’t make sense. Sorry for the random yammering. On to the real reason for this post: photos of my belly!

I didn’t post photos earlier, because I wanted family & friends to see in person before the world wide web had access to Monkey’s and my progress. Since we’re back from the trip, I wanted to get one more photo that showed a distinct difference from the previous week and this week’s 21-week photo did the trick. So, are you ready?

Here I am at 9 weeks...not showing. Looking back, I'm honestly surprised by how much littler I was then.

And 13 weeks, still not showing

14 weeks - Oh, why hello there little bump! (It seriously showed up over night)

17 weeks

19 weeks and a haircut (photo taken in Texas!)

21 weeks - taken this week!

Sorry for all the changing background and hair. I tried to keep all things the same, but between traveling, new furniture and a haircut, that has proven impossible. So, there you have it, my baby belly and all!


  1. hah, that’s fun. I’m guessin John took the ones in Germany and whoever took the one in Texas is probably taller than John (maybe Andrew)?

  2. Pop- “Sick and tired of hearing all these people talk about- what’s the deal with this POP life and when’s it gonna fade out?”


  3. such a cute baby bump. enjoy the journey. so thankful your gathering stories and photos. your little monkey will love to hear and see all about him before he was here!

  4. Love the progression pictures! You’re too cute!

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