Ain’t that a Kick in the Head

I had the “pleasure” of shopping for maternity clothes while we were home a few weeks ago. My number one mission was to find a dress to wear to my good friend Morgan’s wedding. Unless I wanted to shell out $200+ for a dress I’d likely only wear once, I had a hard time finding something wedding-worthy. But as we walked in to the maternity store in the mall, I got a swift reminder of why I needed a maternity dress and could no longer use the dresses in my closet.

As I crossed the threshold of the store, I suddenly panicked. It felt like I ran my stomach into something. I frantically looked around and moved my hands in the vicinity of my stomach. Nope, nothing there. I took a step backward and forward again and still felt it. John saw the panic on my face. Finally, I realized it was a kick! Wow, a real kick (or punch or whatever)! It was the most bizarre feeling. I waited a full week to feel it again as I was walking out of Rainforest Cafe with John, my sister and my niece. It startled me so much that I yelped. That was 12 days ago. I haven’t felt anything that drastic since then.

I did find out that I have an anterior placenta, which means that the placenta attached to the front of my uterus as opposed to the back (the more common location). Therefore, I won’t feel as much early on because I have more padding between Monkey and my skin. Knowing that, I’m very surprised I felt those kicks as strongly as I did. I’m really thankful that it happened twice, though, because a few days after it happened the first time, I was starting to think I’d made it up. With a second occurence, I’m sure that’s what it was.

Typically, the only way I’m feeling him these days is through little movements, mainly in the morning (at breakfast time) and just before bed. It feels like a rapid, erratic pulse in my belly (kind of like when you feel your pulse randomly in other parts of your body). I’m sure those little bumps and kicks are about to get a lot stronger, though. According to my BabyCenter emails, Monkey now weighs about 0.75 lbs. He is about to start really putting on the weight since I’m over halfway to my due date. That’s a lot of growing for my belly!!

I promise to post some belly pictures this week, but first, I wanted to share some photos from my friend’s wedding – the one for which I was buying that dress. Normally I wouldn’t post photos from a wedding that are SOOTC (straight out of the camera), especially since these were taken with my very ghetto point and shoot, but Morgan is one of my best friends, so for her, I will make this exception. I now give you Garry & Morgan’s wedding:

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.976444&w=425&h=350&]

One Comment

  1. Great photos! She is talented! What a lovely wedding.
    Congrats on feeling your little one! It won’t be long before you’ll feel like he’s kickboxing in there. I don’t have any kicks yet, but I can feel him rolling around. I feel like he’s practicing a gymnastics floor routine. It’s very weird.

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