A Jam-Packed Trip

We’re back, and we’re jet lagged.  It was a great trip home, but we spent nearly every waking hour on a schedule. I think we probably had 3-4 hours total in the 10 day trip that didn’t have to be spent doing specific things. Needless to say, we spent the weekend trying to catch up on sleep. Waking up this morning for work was incredibly difficult. The dreary late fall weather combined with the early sunset don’t help matters.

Although the trip was jam-packed, we managed to have a lot of fun. We got to see nearly everyone in our immediate family (I think we only missed seeing Louie!), which is quite a feat. We also attended a wedding for a good friend and had two baby showers thrown for us. Thanks to the generosity of our family and friends, we returned to Germany four bags heavier…all full of baby things. We only brought the necessities for the first 6 weeks, too!

This weekend, besides catching up on rest, we put away all of Monkey’s new things. We were amazed by how much everyone blessed us with gifts. Our little guy will be good to go up to the 3-6 month clothing size, which will be just in time for our return to Texas and lots of hot weather! Now we just need to focus on buying the big things. The only big things we have are the glider/rocker and the crib, but they are in Texas and won’t be shipped here. In the first weeks after the baby arrives, we’ll use a pack and play and make do with whatever government furniture we’re issued (our household goods will have shipped by the end of March). I should also count the car seat as a big item, which we were thrilled to have received as well! It’s being shipped to us. I wonder what Béni will think of its presence in the car. Starting now, we’re training him that he’s only allowed in the very back of our Xterra, not the back seat.

So…what’s still to tackle on our baby-equipping list?

We have it planned in our budget so that we will be able to have all of these items before Monkey arrives.  Hurray!


  1. of course you have it all budgeted!! you’re so organized that way!! we’re still trying to save for our kids’ college tuitions… except they’re IN college. so yeah. such is our life.
    sounds like y’all racked up at your showers. what fun. you’re going to have a wee little international babe. how fun! glad you had a fun visit.

  2. You forgot someone…You didn’t see David!!! 8^(

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