Honeymoon Part 3

We didn’t jot down notes for the last couple of days, so I’m going from memory (and the photos) now.

Thursday night we had a romantic dinner on the beach. The food was fantastic, we were served at sunset, and serenaded by a violinist. The best part about dinner was the dessert, which was a chocolate covered chocolate mousse. Ahhh so yummy.

The next day, Friday (our last full day there), we went up to the resort’s roof and found they had a rooftop grass tennis court, which was pretty nifty. That evening, we went to dinner at my favorite place, Maria Marie and then decided to see what the nightlife was like down on Fifth Avenue. Unfortunately, we only got a few blocks down before it started pouring rain. We ended up walking back to our resort soaked btu still in good spirits. We enjoyed a mariachi music/flamenco dancing show in the lobby (reminded us of home) and called it a night. I think we watched Casino Royale (the newest James Bond movie) that night. If not, we watched it earlier in the week and I just forgot about it.

Saturday morning, we had breakfast at Pelicanos, checked out, and had a drink at the bar while waiting for our cab. The cab ride was pretty long back to the airport, and there wasn’t any A/C, so I was grumpy and hot by the time we got to the airport. We were about 2-2.5 hours early for our flight, so we decided to get something from Starbucks while we were waiting. Unforutnately, it was no bueno, and we threw it away. I still wasn’t feeling well, and being in the airport didn’t help. Neither did the cabin pressure changes in our two flights back that day. (Cancun to DFW and DFW to San Antonio) My ears were pretty sore. Oh well!

When we got back, my parents picked us up at the airport (it was about 9 or so at night) and we went to Alamo Cafe for dinner. Yum, I miss it!

The last two days in the states were spent visiting with family, and on Monday, we were off to Germany.

Our last set of honeymoon pictures (remember, to make them bigger, just click on the photo):

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  1. Is that a grass tennis court or just green?

  2. It’s a grass court :o)

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