How’s It Gonna Be?

Am I missing something? Am I getting too old to know what’s cool? (Ok, yes, probably.) Certainly, though, I’m not too different from the average American, so how is it that all these movies are successfully being released in 3-D? I honestly could not care less about seeing a 3-D movie. When I was in college, I saw a movie in 3-D at the IMAX, and it made me nauseous. The movie was only about 45 minutes long, too, so why would I want to sit through 120 minutes or more of nausea? To top it off, it would cost at least $10 for me to go and NOT get popcorn. I don’t pay to be nauseated unless I want to take a day to ride the rides at Six Flags.

I realize that it has been 8 years since I have seen a movie in 3-D and technology has likely made for a better 3-D movie-watching experience, but I just don’t see the draw in wearing funny glasses to watch a movie jump out at you.

Now that I “hear” myself as I type this, I’m really starting to wonder if I am becoming an old fuddy duddy before my time. I honestly don’t care whether movies are released in 3-D in the theatre or not, because I am probably not going to see one any time soon.

Maybe my real issue with the advent of  3-D movies is it seems indicative of our society’s increasing “need” for escapism. Instead of gathering together in community, I see a growing number of people isolating themselves and disengaging with their communities. That thought makes me sad.

I want to live in a neighborhood where families still sit on their front porches. I want to live in a neighborhood where people know their neighbors. I want to live in a neighborhood where people truly want to make the area a better place.

I don’t want to live in a neighborhood where people have checked out.

One Comment

  1. 3-D movies. eh. take em or leave em. i don’t really feel like they’re worth the investment… it’s just our culture saying that what we have available isn’t enough. you have to have more… better… best.
    i remember wanting more community at home after i spent a month in china… where a simple walk to anywhere netted you many many ni haos from the people who were sitting on their front porches. i really miss that.
    central air has ruined our culture.
    i remember sitting outside in the evening (well the adults would sit… the kids were perpetual motion) because it was just too hot to sit inside. neighbors would walk by and would stop to chat. now i’m lucky if i get to say hi to my neighbors when they go out to collect their mail or retrieve their garbage container.
    sometimes i long for the simpler days.

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