Ten on Tuesday (vol. 21)

1. What keeps you up at night? (figuratively)
At times, money can, but now that we’re doing the envelope system, that anxiety has been drastically reduced. I really don’t think about it much anymore.

2. What keeps you up at night? (literally)
Beni’s snoring, bright lights shining into our bedroom, and these days, frequent bathroom trips.

3. Where do you want to go in life? (figuratively)
I want to have a happy, healthy family for which John and I can adequately provide. That’s it.

4. Where do you want to go in life? (literally)
I don’t really know the difference in these two questions, so I’m going to take this version as a “where would you like to travel” question. In that case, I’d like to go to New Zealand, the Eastern Mediterranean, Japan, Norway, Iceland, Boston, and back to Playa del Carmen.

5. Have you ever bit off more than you could chew? (figuratively)
Of course. I try not to anymore. It’s easier to keep this from happening when you learn how to say no to requests you know you can’t handle.

6. Have you ever bit off more than you could chew? (literally)
Haha, again, of course. I can’t think of a specific example, though.

7. Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence? (figuratively)
No, but it sure seems that way sometimes!

8. Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence? (literally)
No. Here, it’s all pretty green. I’ll miss that when we’re back in Central Texas, land of the scorched grass.

9. If you can’t stand the heat, do you get out of the kitchen? (figuratively)
No. I usually stick it out.

10. If you can’t stand the heat, do you get out of the kitchen? (literally)
Yes. These days, too much heat typically makes me feel light headed. Just last night, I was too hot after my shower and spent about 20 minutes cooling down on the couch under the ceiling fan and next to two open windows.

One Comment

  1. fun list! i think you should blog post about the envelope system (forgive me if you already have done so)
    texas is not alone. this has been a dry crunchy summer for tennessee too.

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