Unsolicited Advice

I wasn’t going to blog today, because I have a headache. I made it through the first 12 weeks with one headache. I hit the 13th week, and I’ve had two. This doesn’t bode well for the weeks to come, but hopefully it’s just a fluke.

Thus far, everyone has been really excited and supportive about my pregnancy, but there’s one co-worker who is getting on my last nerve. It all started with my announcement. He told me that now that I’m pregnant, I should be walking. I took it as sweet advice that he cared about my health. Fast forward to this week, he has told me three times in as many days that I need to be walking. In fact, today, when I was getting ready to leave for lunch, he told me I need to go on a walk at lunch. I told him that I walk to and from work every day (twice because I also go home for lunch), which means I walk for about an hour a day already. He told me that’s good, but I need to be walking more. Um…as of this morning, I was still at zero weight gain (and I may have lost a pound), so I know it’s not because I look like I’m gaining weight in the wrong areas. I don’t get why he keeps insisting on the fact that I need to walk, and it’s his duty to remind me of it every day.

I think I could get over the walking comments. After all, he is known as the grumpy old man in the office, but this afternoon, I returned to the office with a package from my sister. Another co-worker thought it was a box for him. I clarified that it was actually a package from my sister filled with Baked Lays sour cream and onion potato chips, which she’d sent to me because I had a craving and they don’t sell them over here. The grumpy old man’s response? “That’s pathetic.”

Ok, grumpy, you try going to work every day with a smile on your face during your first trimester while you feel like you could fall asleep at any second. You try keeping up good nutrition when your stomach says you want nothing to do with vegetables and some meats. You try making your dress pants fit when they will no longer button. You try dealing with insomnia night after night.

I’m done complaining. I just couldn’t take any more of his business without venting.

Mr. Grump-Grump, I’m ready for more of your pregnancy advice!


  1. Urgh… unfortunately it doesn’t get any better. I still get unsolicited advice about Mikey. Crazy things like how “a trip to McDonalds would do him good” because he’s a slim little boy. Or my downstairs neighbours telling me to spank him when he woke up in the night at 14 months old after daddy deployed because it disturbed them.

    People are insane sometimes I swear!

    Oh, here’s some unsolicited advice for you 😉 When my pants stopped buttoning but I was still too small to reasonably buy maternity-wear, I used a hair tie between the button and button hole to give me a bit more room and then just wore a long top to cover it!

  2. Dr. Grumpy McGrumperton actually suggest that you spend more time off your feet

  3. I find it interesting that Mr. Grumpy gives your “pregnancy advice”. I wonder where he’s got his knowledge from. 😉

  4. I’ve always been amazed at the stories pregnant women tell about the unsolicited advice they get from random people. It especially drives me nuts when those people handing out the advice have never even been pregnant themselves! Since I’ve never been pregnant, you don’t have to worry about getting any unwanted advice from me.
    Ok, maybe I’ll take that back. My advice is to eat and many sour cream and onion potato chips as you can; they’re so yummy!

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