
I blinked and summer ended. It’s not like it was ever really here to stay. It merely visited a few times over the past few months.

While sitting at my desk earlier today, I had the distinct feeling that summer has indeed left us. It’s midday, and it’s 60 degrees. I had to get a jacket at lunch. It’s gray, windy and misty out. On Saturday, while waiting in the car at the train station for John, I noticed some of the first yellow leaves falling from the trees. It’s mid-August. How is this happening? Yesterday it was 57 degrees at dinnertime. We blasted the heater after racing to the car after our dinner out. John said his flip-flop clad feet declared the temperature to be more akin to 42 than 57.

Thinking back about this summer, I can honestly say that my outside of work time was probably one of the best summers I’ve had. We started the summer with a trip to Texas in April (yes, I count that as summer, because it was a LOT hotter there than it was here). We got to see friends and family and bluebonnets. It was awesome.

Then, in May, we celebrated our second wedding anniversary with a trip to Burgundy, one of the best wine-growing regions in the world. We spent our time between vineyards, bike rides, fantastic meals and relaxing at our comfortable and quiet bed and breakfast. I couldn’t have asked for a better getaway!

June brought a visit from John’s dad, stepmom, sisters and brother. We got to show them around Heidelberg and share in some of the World Cup excitement together.

Early July was busy between a phenomenal camping trip in the Swiss Alps and a fun visit from our Dutch friends. The rest of the month was spent catching up on weekends around the house – doing chores, sleeping and having family time.

As August comes and goes, the only thing that really comes to mind is a few days last week where my mom was in the hospital, which most certainly was not fun. I am happy to say, however, that she is doing much much better now and she’s finally back at home.

How would you classify your summer?


  1. It sounds like you’ve had a fantastic summer! So glad to hear that your Mom is doing better.
    My summer has been a rather lazy one, but it’s been nice!

  2. Glad to hear that your mom is back home 🙂 Hope all is well there. And yeah, it is definitely cold! When I was back home in the states it was cold there the entire time. It was nice to not have to come back to a temp change, LOL. And by the way, I LOVE how you write 🙂

  3. What an awesome summer! I know you guys get frustrated sometimes but what an experience!

  4. Sounds like you had a really nice summer! I have to agree with you when it comes to German summer weather. We barely had any hot days around here, too.
    Calendary speaking my summer was divided in the pre-exam/exam-time (which ended last Friday) and the post-exam-time which started Saturday and will be spent with moving into the new apartment. I have to say that I am more excited about the second part of summer.

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