
Our old domain,, expired yesterday. I hope everyone made the change to with us when we moved 6-7 months ago. Hi!

I have a confession. It’s been hard for me to get up the motivation to blog lately. My email inbox is saturated with over 200 unread emails and nearly 2000 uncategorized emails. Similarly, with our blog, I have about 5-10 different post ideas, but whenever I sit in front of the computer and try to start writing a post, I don’t feel like expounding upon any of those ideas. When did blogging start to feel like homework?

I started my job 364 days ago. Prior to that, I had spent an entire year being a grad student and homemaker. I diligently updated our blog daily throughout the work week. I recently realized that I’ve felt anxious for the past 364 days, because I hardly update our blog five days in a row anymore. It took me nearly one year to realize that I have been holding myself to this standard of having to update our blog as frequently as I did before working. I’ve now come to the conclusion that I don’t need to feel bad about my little blogging breaks I take.

The initial purpose of this blog was to keep in touch with friends and family while we were living overseas. During my year at home, I used the blog to really help maintain a sense of community and purpose. There were days where I didn’t leave our apartment at all. (Yes, it’s true. I remember one evening asking John to please take me out – anywhere – because I had been inside for 3 or 4 days straight.) We didn’t have a second car, so when John was at work, I was trapped at home. We weren’t near any public transportation at that apartment (or any part of the city for that matter), and we didn’t have any friends. (I feel like a loser for admitting that.) I needed a purpose, and blogging assumed that role for me.

All this to say hi, I’m Sarah, and I do love our blog. I just refuse to feel guilty anymore for not updating 5 times each week. I will just be thankful for the time I do have to update and share our lives with you all and with “future John and Sarah.”

PS All of you talented bloggers out there who manage to update your blogs even just once each week, you rock!


  1. thedailychelle

    I know the feeling! I really want to be able to update my blog on a regular basis, and every time I come log in and start a post, I just can’t get myself to finish it. Arg!

    • Yeah…today’s post was a stretch for me. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to write, and other days, I feel like I’m just too drained to muster the concentration to type out something coherent about all that has been going on.

  2. Oh don’t feel bad. There’s no rule or anything that says one has to update a blog certain times a week – or is there?

    I’ve started to make some random posts that apply to every situation (like recipes, photos, etc…) which I slip in between when I don’t find the time to really update my blog… Just so that my readers know that I didn’t leave for all time 😉

    Have a nice weekend…

    • Exactly. With this post, I realized that I wasn’t going to let myself feel guilty anymore.

      I hope you’re enjoying the beautiful spring weather we’re (finally) having!

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