Back! And Ten on Tuesday (vol. 14)

Sorry for the lack of updates these past two weeks. I’ll get to the whole story this week, but long story short, we flew out on Wednesday the 21st and got back early Sunday morning. We’re still recovering from jet lag, and I feel a bit zombie-ish. It doesn’t help that my sleep last night went like this: sleep 10:15-12:15, awake 12:15-3:15, sleep 3:15-6:40. Ugh.

Anyway, today is Tuesday and since I can’t think clearly enough to formulate a coherent post about our trip to the States, I’m using Chelsea’s Ten on Tuesday questions to update everyone today. Chelsea, thanks for doing some of my thinking for me today. 🙂


1. Do you prefer markers, crayons, or colored pencils?
I love markers – specifically Sharpies. When I was younger, I used to love the way a drawing that was perfectly outlined in marker and colored in with crayon looked.

2. As a child, how did your parents celebrate your birthday? (Parties, cake, you pick the dinner, etc.)
All of the above. Does that make me spoiled? I hope not. They threw me a small birthday party with my friends (sleepovers, Chuck E. Cheese, or dinner out, etc.). We would also have a family birthday celebration where we would go out to dinner or my mom would cook a dinner of our choosing. She’d also make whatever cake we wanted.

3. How do you feel about leggings?
I loved them when I was younger. Helllloooo 80s/early 90s. Now I think they’re comfy when working out or lounging around the house.

4. How do you prefer to follow directions? With a map? Words?
Either one. I’m versatile (I think).

5. What do you eat for snack?
I don’t have a regular go to snack, but that’s mainly because I don’t have much time to think about snacking during the day. If I’m at work and hungry, I usually pull a FiberOne bar out of my purse. If I’m out of those, I go to the German bakery on post and buy a yummy but unhealthy pretzel. If I’m at home, I’ll either  have fruit, yogurt, crackers and cheese or a small bowl of ice cream/frozen yogurt.

6. Have you ever ordered anything from an infomercial or bought any As Seen on TV products?
I don’t believe so, but I sure loved the Magic Bullet infomercials.

7. What’s your favorite thing about summer?
Feeling the sun warm my skin is pretty high up on my list. I also love going swimming and the summer storms in South Texas.

8. Do you have a tattoo? What and where is it?

9. Are you good at journaling?
Is journaling different from blogging? If not, then I think I’m so-so. I write as often as I find time. If it’s referring to something else, then I’d say I’m not very good at it because I don’t do it.

10.  What’s your favorite way to eat a hamburger?
At Chris Madrid’s. The tostada burger = delicious. Mainly, I just love bean burgers. EZ’s and Cheesy Jane’s make pretty mean bean burgers as well. Oh, and by bean burger, I mean a hamburger patty plus beans, not a veggie burger. I am from Texas, after all.


  1. haha I love your clarification on the bean burger. I’ll have to try the one at EZ’s, I’ve never had theirs.

    I was the same way about pictures colored in crayon and outlined in marker. I loved it. I am still obsessed with sharpies.

  2. When I was a child, I used to love outlining in marker and coloring in with crayon, too!

  3. My birthday was the same. I’m trying to decide if I should do something extra special for my kids. I read a blog and the mom decortates the driveway with sidewalk chalk for the kid’s b-day. I think the Gentry’s give their kids a cupcake for breakfast. I love stuff like that!

  4. It seems like a lot of people like to outline in marker and color in with crayon, but I’ve never done it that way! I think I need to give it a try.

  5. dude. i love sharpies, too. but new ones. not all smooshy tip ones. gotta be new, sharp (hence the name, duh) and juicy.
    my birthday is 10 days before christmas. my first party was a surprise one… when i was 40.

    • Yes, Crisp Shapries are a must. The mushy ones are no bueno.

      Are you serious that you didn’t have a birthday party before you turned 40?!

  6. Our answers to the first question are basically identical.

  7. Welcome home! You got back just in time for the weather to get cool again.
    Yes, we have a wine club! Either I or my friend are probably going to head it up next year (it starts back in the fall.). It’s tons of fun.

    • Thanks! And yeah, I’m wondering where the beautiful mid-April weather went. Sniffle.

      Please let me know when the wine club starts again. I think I might like to get involved!

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