Green – Not the Good Spring Kind

Let me confess. I am completely jealous of all you folks out there who are experiencing spring. Every day I see status updates and blog entries about how glorious spring is, and I want to be able to say the same thing. Ok, yes, I can say spring is glorious, because it truly is. However, I want it to be here already. Last year it did notĀ arrive until the last week in March/early April, and I fully expect the same thing this year. That said, the 6 inches of snow we got overnight this past Friday made me think spring is never going to get here.

Our lows have been in the teens again. Brr. Really.

We have some friends coming for a visit soon, and I really want the weather to be nice for them. I have been checking the forecast every day, and every day it’s drastically different. First it was supposed to be cold and rainy the whole week they’re here. Then it said it was supposed to be sunny and in the 60s (what? early spring? YES!). Today I checked the forecast, and it says we should have a mixture of snow, rain and sun with highs anywhere from the 30s to the 60s by the end of the week.

Oh my goodness, I would LOVE for it to be in the 60s even for just a few days of their visit. Maybe we will even get to see some blooms. Maybe.


  1. It didn’t snow anywhere near this much last year! Brr!

    I’m keeping a close watch on the tree outside my kitchen window, I see buds. As soon as they bloom it is officially Spring in my mind. Although I said that about the crocuses and then it snowed again last week… hmm.

  2. i know how depressing it is to get snow in the spring. it’s been so cold and dreary here that i seriously thought spring would never arrive. i think it’s God’s way of forcing us to be patient.

    i know whatever the weather, you’ll have a glorious time with your friends.
    perhaps it’s been because i’ve been completely self-absorbed and have pulled back from some of my on-line friends, but i haven’t heard much about the benster lately. how is the golden one??

    • Thanks — I am sure it will be a great visit. By the way, it snowed again a little last night and this morning. Nothing more than a dusting, but still!!

      Thanks for asking about Beni. I guess I haven’t written much about him lately. He’s doing well. He’s in a little bit of a mischievous stage, but he’s still as cute and sweet as ever (and big –> 80+ lbs!).

  3. When are you next coming home to Texas? It’s beautiful here right now! Um, not to make you feel worse – sorry! I know you will have fun with your friends regardless of the weather though =)

    • Thanks. We’re coming home for a week mid-April. We’re so excited!! I wish we could stay longer, but for multiple reasons, it has to be a short trip. We’re going to try to make the most of it!

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