Seven Quick Takes (vol. 6)

Jennifer at Conversion Diary isn’t hosting Seven Quick Takes this week, but I have a few things to share, so I thought I’d post mine anyway.

1. Happy Thanksgiving! (or as I said yesterday, Happy Slapsgiving!) John and I enjoyed a yummy dinner together at home. We both cooked and ended up with this beautiful feast:

our (small) table

No, we did not have a turkey. We figured it was kind of silly for the two of us to make a big turkey. Plus, look at the table. Where would we have put it?

2. Earlier this week, I mentioned that I had made a new (two new, actually) recipe. The first was Caramel Coconut Pie from Sweet Pea at the Newlyweds blog. The crust is from my grandmother’s recipe and the filling is Sweet Pea’s grandmother’s recipe. The second was a delicious Baked Sweet Potato and Apple dish. It’s an excellent substitution for the typical yams and marshmallow dish for Thanksgiving, not to mention a very season-appropriate fall/winter side dish.

Caramel Coconut Pie – mmmm!

3. Yesterday morning, before all the cooking and baking madness, we went to the gym. We ran a mile, biked 2 miles, ran a mile, biked 2 miles and ran one more mile. By the end, I really did think I might pass out. My last mile was the fastest though – hurray! Speaking of working out, we’re heading to the pool for some laps as soon as I can get this posted.

4. I don’t know if I have mentioned this before, but Béni basically looses it when you say the word “park.” We took him to the p-a-r-k today and said “park” right before we got there (on purpose). He started running back and forth in the back seat, crying and whimper barking. So freaking cute. Also cute — the 12-week-old Newfoundland puppy that was there. He was so scared of other dogs but he loooooved people. He came right up to me and let me pet him, he jumped up on John and licked John’s face and he stuck his head between both of our legs to hide from Béni.

5. I finished my quilted table topper (my first ever quilting project)!! I also stabbed the ever-living daylights out of my thumb with the threading end of the needle, but that’s irrelevant at this point.

sorry about the angle…it leads to an unfortunate resemblance

the back of the project

6. I had to work today. I got up at 6:44 AM. I am aware that I am incapable of setting my alarm for a normal wake up time like 6:40 or 6:45. Anyway, I got to work only to find out that the electrical work that was supposed to be completed yesterday did not get finished and there was no outlet power, which meant I could not turn on my computer or even use the phone. I ended up packing up one of the laptops at the office and taking it home to work. Nevertheless, I was pretty frustrated. Plus I still had to go back to the office in the afternoon once the power was back on in order to submit my time card for the week. For some reason, the time recording site does not work from any of the work laptops.

7. I was so tired this afternoon that I started crying. I ended up taking an hour nap. When I woke up (at 5 PM), it was dark and I panicked that I had slept all night. It’s nearly 8 now, and I think I could go back to sleep for the rest of the night. However, I do need to get some laps in at the pool first!


  1. That is one good looking table topper! 🙂

  2. the table topper turned out great!

    do you have the recipe for the sweet potato/apple dish? I have a bunch of leftover sweet potatoes and that might be fun to try =)

    your thanksgiving table is so cute…happy (late) thanksgiving.

  3. I’m thoroughly impressed with your table topper!!!

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