Behind the Times: 101 in 1001

Awhile back, several of our friends (Chelsea, Jake & Veronica, and Sarah) started 101 in 1001 lists. I started a list too but deleted it when I could only come up with 20 or so items. When Jake & Veronica posted their 37 in 1001, however, I decided we could post whatever number and still call it our 101 in 1001. Like Jake & Veronica, John also worked on this list with me. Anything that is unique to one of us is noted, everything else applies to both of us.

Our 101 in 1001 (or 60 in 1001, to be more accurate)

Start date: Monday, November 16, 2009
End date: Monday, August 13, 2012

Not yet started.
In progress.

1. Go to Spain.
2. Go on a cruise.
3. Go to the UK.
4. Sarah: Read Sense & Sensibility.
5. Sarah: Try at least 1 new recipe every month.
6. Sarah: Go into work before 8 AM (7:55 AM counts) for 5 days in a row.
7. Move to Texas.
8. John: Get out of the Army. (woohoo!)
9. Sarah: Get my wisdom teeth out.
10. Sarah: Get new glasses.
11. Train for a sprint distance triathlon.
12. Complete a triathlon.
13. Watch 10 of AFI’s top 100 movies of all time that we’ve never seen before. (0/10)
14. Complete a no spend month.
15. Go back to Switzerland.
16. Go back to the Royal Playa del Carmen (where we honeymooned).
17. Sarah: Make a quilt.
18. Sarah: Finish reading C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy.
19. Sarah: Read a C.S. Lewis book I haven’t read before.
20. John: Get rid of his BlackBerry.
21. Go to Fiesta in 2010.
22. Try a new cheese once a month for a year. (0/12)
23. Update the look of our blog.
24. Buy a nice kitchen table (ie not the one we have now, which is from IKEA).
25. Sarah: Make pot holders.
26. Sarah: Make a tote bag.
27. Get a new TV.
28. Plant something outside our building on post.
29. Start up a garden in our future home (after the Army).
30. Sarah: Learn how to knit (I can only do one basic stitch.)
31. John: Read Don Miller’s A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.
32. Sarah: Get a haircut that is more than $25.
33. Sarah: Take my vitamin every day for a month.
34. Go to a vineyard in Europe.
35. Sarah: Finally legally update my last name.
36.  Watch a meteor shower.
37. Find the International Space Station in the night sky!
38.  Read and study the book of Hosea.
39. Read and study the book of Hebrews.
40. Make 3 different breads from scratch. (0/3)
41. Go camping (again). This time, remember to turn off the air conditioner.
42. Go to Prague.
43. Back up all our digital pictures.
44. Get mats for our 3 living room picture frames.
45. Fly a kite.
46. Have fresh flowers on our kitchen table 3 times. (0/3)
47. Try a raw food recipe.
48. Go vegetarian for one month.
49. Sarah: Complete a Wednesday-level New York Times Crossword without help from anyone/anything.
50. Submit an answer to Will Shortz’s segment on NPR’s weekend edition.
51. Listen to one full show of A Prairie Home Companion.
52. Visit Sarah’s sister’s family in Dallas.
53. Sarah: Get up the first time my alarm goes off in the morning for 5 consecutive days. (0/5)
54. Sarah: Mark teacup collection with notes of where I got them from.
55. Sarah: Learn more about my family history.
56. John: Get the CAPM certification.
57. Rent bikes at least once from Outdoor Recreation.
58. Have another slumber party with Béni.
59. Go to a Faschings parade.
60. Go on a wine walk.




  1. Good list!

    31. I won that book in a blog giveaway. It’s in my stack of books to read!

  2. Nice! I like it. Y’all did better than our 37 that’s for sure 🙂

  3. oooh I love this, I’m going to do it too!

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