In the Middle

I realize that I blogged about how the movers came and packed us up, but I didn’t explain what we’re doing between now and when we fly to Texas in two months. No, we’re not living in a hotel. And no, we’re not living in a (completely) vacant apartment.

We were able to obtain government furniture, so we now have a loaner coffee table, TV stand, side table, 2 arm chairs, a kitchen table and chairs, dresser and two night stands. We also were able to borrow some very basic kitchen supplies from the ACS (Army Community Service) Lending Closet. The stuff they lend out is on par with what you would buy to supply a college dorm room, but it’ll suffice.

Honestly, it has been nice to not have all our stuff around, but it will also be nice to unpack it all in Texas in May. We will also be able to bring some new things into our home that we didn’t bring with us to Germany like our china. We have been married for nearly 3 years and never had the opportunity to use any of it!

The next major step we have in the moving process is sending our car. It gets dropped off a week from today and John will be able to pick it up in Dallas once we arrive in Texas. It is guaranteed to be there by then, so he’ll fly up to Dallas the day after we get to Texas and drive our car down. In the meantime, some friends here have graciously offered their second card to us. We are so blessed to have made such wonderful friends during our time here, and we’re really going to miss them!

One Comment

  1. well, that does explain it a bit, doesn’t it? makes sense… if you can deal with life in the “interim.” at least it’s not as bad as unpacking… being forever in the … where is the ___? until you’re all unpacked.
    it’ll be fun for you to unpack… surely you mom will be there to help you… what with her holding her new grandmonkey and you free do do the unpacking.
    or something like that!
    enjoy these next few weeks. enjoy your quiet time and relax as much as you can. i don’t need to tell you you’re in for a few changes!

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