Demeanor in the Workplace

About two months ago, I got a new officemate. Instead of two working in here, there are now three. This new officemate is near retirement age, and it has been interesting to say the least. The generational gap is huge, and we are not compatible in our work habits.

Riddle me this, friends –

What is your work style?

Do you come to work and expect to spend decent sized chunks of time socializing?

When you are at work, are you there to get the job done and then want to move on to something else for the day? Does your employer allow this flexibility?

Do you stop in the middle of working on something to socialize or do you buckle down and push through a project or task until it’s completed?

Do you prefer to work in an office by yourself or in a space that is more open to others?

Personally, I am focused on work while I am in my office and want to get everything done as it comes in. I do not like to socialize while at my desk, but I will walk to the bakery or something to grab a snack if I need to step away for a minute. It bothers me to no end, however, when my new officemate wants to chit chat constantly throughout the day. Maybe it’s a product of my generation. Maybe it’s a product of my previous work environments, which have all been spent primarily in solitude. So please tell me, what are you like at work?


  1. My job is a lot different than yours, so I don’t know if this will really count. I prefer to socialize as much as possible. Anything to help the time pass, really!
    If I worked at a job where I could get the work done and go home (early) when finished, I would cut out all of that socializing and get the job done! I think people really need to be more respectful of others work styles/habits.

    • Thanks for responding, Angela. It was good to at least get a little feedback. I agree with you though — anything to pass the time, but if I can go home early by getting the job done efficiently and effectively, then I’d be super focused to get it done and leave so that I can take care of some of the other things in my life that need doing!

  2. Sarah can I just say you guys are some of the busies most productive people I know! You’re moving preparations are amazing. Re: workplace I am with you on the socializing and when I get a free moment I will probably take a walk rather than chat. It’s a personality thing I think more than generational. We all took color personality tests at work and I was the only ‘green’. Helps to understand each other better. Hope your little Monkey arrives safe and sound very soon.

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