40 Weeks

No baby yet. I have, however, finished another knitted project for Monkey:

I have also decided that I should not be at work (though I will be until the day that Monkey comes). This is what happens to my ankles (or lack thereof) after being at work (this was taken on Monday):

The cracker box is thrown in there for perspective. My ankles have disappeared.


  1. oh bless your heart. mine looked exactly like that !!

  2. Cute hat! My mom crocheted my little one a hat similiar to that. 🙂

    Ahh, I am not looking forward to swollen ankles! I hope that you’re feeling well otherwise, and it can’t be much longer before Monkey arrives!!

    • Thanks! And hopefully you won’t have to battle any swelling. I don’t wish that on anyone. I knew I was in trouble when I noticed my wedding rings were tight around 32 weeks. My hands still aren’t too bad, but I don’t wear my rings for fear that they’ll end up stuck. My feet, as you can see, are a different story. Even sandals hurt! So like I said, I really hope you’re spared from this lovely pregnancy ailment!

  3. My wife and I went 15 days past due and then induced…and ended in a c-section. They have no idea when the baby is due…only baby knows. They should give due months and not days – once the day passes everyone starts going crazy!

    • Thanks. I agree! Bless your wife for making it to 15 days past her due date!!

      • Wii Fit Plus, yoga, watermellon, pickles, and ice cream keot her happy as did the random all girl slumber parties I would throw for her. Staying focused on the goal of a happy healthy baby kept us all sane.

  4. Your poor feet! Does it hurt or just look like it does?

    You’re so talented at knitting! How special that will be for Monkey to have!

    • Unfortunately, it does hurt. It’s especially hard for me to walk home at the end of the day. I keep telling myself that walking is good for me, though. And hopefully the swelling will go down relatively quickly after the baby is born. Then I will be able to appreciate my nice, slender feet (hopefully!).

      And thanks about the knitting! I’m really glad I decided to pick up that hobby. It’s been a lot of fun, and I’m enjoying expanding into the realm of knitting baby things. 🙂

  5. Bless your heart! I can’t believe how badly your ankles are swollen! Here’s hoping Monkey comes soon (and swiftly and painlessly).

  6. Oh I’m just catching up on my blogs and I hope your little one has come or will soon! I am 32 weeks so a little bit behind you but can’t wait. I too am doing the playpen/thingy in our room. Love the little knitted things!! It’s going to be way too hot here for knitted booties so I’ll have time to knit him bigger ones for next winter.

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