Garmisch Return v. 4: Part Zwei

I always have to have a “Part Zwei” when writing about Garmisch. It’s just how things work.

Sunday we were planning on a late breakfast, but we were not aware that the dining area closed early for breakfast on Sundays so they could set up for brunch. We made it down there at 9:45, breakfast service stopped at 9 and brunch was not set to begin until 10:30. We passed the time in the rocking chairs in the lobby reading our books and then took a short stroll outside. When we came back in, there was a massive line for food and eventually, we got in. Brunch was great, and we all got our fill. I was a big fan of the waffles. Mmm.

After brunch, we went on an hour walk around the town. By the time we got back, I was pretty tuckered out, but I also wanted to head over to the Olympic ski jump, which was used when Garmisch-Partenkirchen hosted the winter Olympics in 1936 and 1940. Did you know that Garmisch was permanently awarded the honor of being the host of the winter games in 1936 but that it was later revoked due to Germany’s instigation of World War II? True story.

Anyway, we had seen the ski jump in passing before, but until you get close and actually walk up to it, it is hard to understand the magnitude of it. It was massive, and I do not know what possesses people to rocket off that thing on skis. My hands are sweating just thinking about it. Then again, I’m not the biggest fan of the falling sensation. After all, I freaked out a wee bit after being (perhaps the only) special person on the planet to find a patch of ice in a parking lot when it’s 50 degrees outside.

We spent the rest of the afternoon back at our hotel reading and napping before making our way to an early dinner. We went to the Werdenfelserhof, which is the same restaurant we went to in 2007 to celebrate our engagement. We hadn’t been back since then, and it was nice to visit again. I don’t think the food was stellar – I have had better German cooking, but the place means something to us, and we were happy to be able to go back. John had Weisswurst (a Bavarian specialty) with mustard, Cordon Bleu and a beer. I had their Altweiner Schnitzel, which was a pork cutlet covered in mushrooms, spinach and cheese with a side of potatoes. Oh, and I had an alcohol-free beer, but I was slightly paranoid that everyone was judging me thinking I was drinking “real” beer.

At the Werdenfelserhof

At the Werdenfelserhof

The outside of the Werdenfelserhof

The outside of the Werdenfelserhof

We came back to our lodge and around 9, we headed down to the hotel sports bar for a nighttime snack of jalapeno poppers, which is a real treat for us. They don’t sell them at the commissary, and the restaurants that do have them around here, stuff them with a soft white cheese (usually cream cheese) and serve it with a tomato sauce (like marinara) or creme fraiche. That said, to have cheddar cheese jalapeno poppers with ranch dressing is extremely exciting.

Monday morning, we got up early, had breakfast and hit the road. We wanted to visit the Ettal Monastery. Unfortunately, once of the places we wanted to visit there, the Schaukäserei, was closed for their Ruhetag (rest day). We did get to go into the church, though. It was the most ornate church I have ever seen.

Ettal Monastery

Looking out from the church

It was overwhelmingly ornate inside

Check out the organ (and yes, that's a chandelier right above me)

We also wanted to visit the brewery there, but they were closed for a long holiday. Boo. We decided to drive a bit further down the road and visit Oberammergau, the city famous for hosting the Passion Play every decade. We did a little shopping, stopped by to see the theatre (from the outside) and had a quick lunch before getting on the road to head home.

The restaurant in Oberammergau where we ate lunch

The theatre in Oberammergau where the Passion Play is performed.

We had a really great trip, and I’m thankful that we had the time to be able to get away, especially to somewhere that means so much to the both of us. Now we’re back to the real world and tackling our transition checklist. This weekend’s mission involves starting to freeze some meals as well as going through everything we own and deciding whether or not it’s going back to Texas with us. It should be a busy weekend!

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