Pregnancy is full of milestones: getting a positive pregnancy test, seeing the tiny flicker of your baby’s heartbeat, sharing the news with family and friends, completing the first trimester, feeling the first flutters that eventually turn to kicks, finding out your baby’s gender. I have passed all these milestones so far, and I know there are so many more to come once Monkey graces us with his presence. I have been thrilled for each milestone, especially passing my first trimester, because slowly but surely, my appetite and energy returned. I thought I’d lost those two pals forever.
It is exciting to come across each milestone, but I don’t think I’ve been as happy or excited about any of the milestones as I was this Tuesday morning. John and I lingered in bed once the alarm clock went off, because it’s too dark and too cold in the morning to want to think about getting out from under the covers and going to work.
Note: The sunrise today was at 8:02 AM and sunset will be at 4:28. It was 14 degrees overnight. When we woke up, it had warmed up to 18, but the heaters were broken in our apartment. Brrrrrr!
So, John and I were laying there talking about our upcoming day, and John had his hand on my belly when all of a sudden, Monkey kicked his dad’s hand! John had not felt the baby kick yet, and I cannot express how happy I was to be able to share that with John. It was the best start to a day ever.
With that, I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Those are the best moments
Wont be long before monkey is beating him up in the night, lol! When I was pregnant with Mikey I’d fall asleep cuddled with Dan and he would wake up in the night being kicked hard by Mikey. Not a whole lot has changed in that respect, Mikey still wriggles around and kicks us in the night.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I’m heading out to the Christmas Market tonight with the photography club. I am fully aware that someone may find me frozen to the sidewalk come morning! brrr…
YAY!! You’re right, that is a fun milestone! The next one will be when he can SEE the baby kick! It’s pretty creepy but so awesome.
I hope you’re enjoying this. It really does fly by. I often reach my hand down and forget thet my baby isn’t there anymore.