Reveal #2: Out With the New, In With the Old

One of the advantages to living over here is easy access to incredible antiques. Two years ago, we purchased our dining room hutch during the community’s Christmas bazaar, and we managed to score it for a great deal. I don’t think the delivery guys were too happy with our third floor living arrangement, but I’m sure they’re over it by now. Maybe.

With that purchase, we decided we would aim to get a new piece of lasting adult-type furniture every year. This would allow us to slowly and hopefully affordably transform our apartment of college-age furniture into pieces that are sturdier and longer-lasting.

Last year, we opted for a new couch and moved our old one into a “reserve” position in our living room. It has become Béni’s couch, and sadly, it’s rather disheveled now. He is rough on furniture, which is why he is only allowed on that piece. I think he’ll be very upset when we get rid of it.

For the past few years, we have been making do with our IKEA kitchen/dining table. It was big enough for the two of us…most of the time. Forget Thanksgiving, though. The wood would scratch if you looked at it, and of course, it wasn’t very sturdy. So this year, while walking through the bazaar, we came across a beautiful dining set and stopped in our tracks.

The price was pretty good considering we knew it would withstand wear and tear (it’s already 80 years old), and it came with a matching china cabinet.

So without further ado, for reveal number two, I give you our 1930s French dining table plus china cabinet:

The table and chairs

A close up of the barley twist legs

The chair detail

Looking at the table toward our new matching china cabinet

Detailing on the bottom plus matching barley twist legs

I now have several pitchers in the top part here.

Surprise! It's the glass that's green, not the inside. The glass is original and each section is a separate pane. I sure hope they don't break while shipping to the States next year!


  1. ohmyword. that is beautiful! i love the legs and the seats are awesome! will shipping it back to the states be super expensive?
    what fun to antique hunt in europe and then be able to bring it back to the states and have lifetime memories of your journeys there and the ability to pass on that history to the next generation. antiques are. the. best!

  2. Beautiful! Yes- as I s l o w l y redo things in our house, I’m trying not to buy cheap furniture because it never lasts! I love it!

  3. Wow, the pieces are sooo beautiful! I really love the twist legs!

  4. I like it!! Great find 🙂

  5. The chairs look really wonderful and comfortable for a nice dinner with the family… and I guess they are really sturdy…

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