Headbutts and Heartbeats

These are a few of my favorite things!

My 12 week appointment was upon us before I knew it. Really, these weeks are just flying by. I was anxious to get in to the doctor’s office, because starting at about 10.5 weeks, I stopped feeling as bad as I had been. I didn’t really have any “symptoms” of pregnancy, so I started fearing the worst. The doctor started my ultrasound, and immediately we saw the baby. I was worried for what seemed like an eternity, though, as I waited for the doctor to say something — anything. I didn’t see the heart flickering like I had in previous appointments, but finally, I saw it. And then…the baby moved! I was so relieved. We had never seen the baby move before. He or she headbutted me three times in rapid succession. It was crazy to see all that movement and not be able to feel it.

The baby continued to flail around a bit, and John commented like the baby was complaining that things were too cramped. If so, this child definitely takes after his/her dad. He likes his space when he sleeps, which is not so easy when you are sharing a queen-sized bed with a body pillow and your pregnant wife. Sorry, honey.

It was really great to see the baby move. I can’t wait until our next ultrasound! We still really haven’t heard the heartbeat. He didn’t play it for us at that appointment. We did hear it for a brief moment (maybe 2-3 seconds) at an emergency appointment I went in for, but that was it. And don’t worry, everything was ok.

We had been throwing around ideas of what to call the baby to our family and friends since we won’t be revealing the name until the baby’s birthday, and this office visit solidified the name Monkey. All the crazy movements in there made me think of a monkey, plus we had seen these really cute receiving blankets that had monkeys on them, which is where the initial idea for the name came from. So after this appointment, we drove to the PX and bought the set of 4 receiving blankets. It’s still the only thing we have purchased for Monkey, but it’s still early. I think we have some time!


  1. headbutted you three times and you couldn’t feel it. that is weird, isn’t it?
    still remember when feeling the baby was pretty new and to have someone else feel it move takes more time… i was visiting my family when i was just beginning to show. i was at my SIL house and was lying on the dining room floor on my back so my sister could try to feel the baby move. my SIL came down the stairs and saw me lying on the floor with my sister bent over me and freaked out and about called 911. it was hilarious!!
    so great to hear your monkey stories! make sure you write them down! glad you’re feeling well, too. such a blessing!

  2. How exciting to see him/her move!! That’s got to be a strange yet amazing sensation to see it but not feel it.

  3. So glad everything’s ok 🙂 so fun! Can’t wait to see y’all later this month!

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