A New Path

On Wednesday, I talked about how I no longer desire to pursue a career in event management, and I promised that I’d follow that up with my new plans. I’m actually making good on that promise and updating our blog again with a real post for the second time this week. Maybe I do have things to talk about!

At first, it was daunting to realize that the research and work I have done over the past two to three years no longer pertains to the career path I have chosen, but once I decided to rely on my ol’ trusty list-making skills, I was able to achieve a little peace. I listed out all the things I enjoy and from there, I came up with a list of industries in which I would be willing – excited, even – to work. I came up with the following list:

  • education
  • public affairs
  • urban development
  • travel & tourism
  • non-profit (primarily community-based or international organizations)
  • hospitality

Within those industries, I know have a wide spectrum of potential employers to be able to consider. Now, I am working on a list of employers to watch over the coming months as we seriously begin to make our transition back to the States. It is pretty scary to think that there’s a distinct possibility that come June 1, I could be unemployed and John will be a full-time student. If you have any suggestions on employers for me to consider, please let me know. The longer my list, the better chance there is for me to find an open position for which I qualify, so please, I’m all ears!

P.S. For any of you who are wondering, no, I cannot continue with my current company. They do not have any positions in Austin, which is a shame, because as of May 2012, I’d be able to accrue 18 days of general leave/year, which isn’t too shabby if you ask me!

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