Big Month

When I typed the title, I accidentally typed “Big Money” first. Am I on Wheel of Fortune or something?

May is a big month for us. In the forefront of my mind is our second anniversary at the end of this month. Last year, we traveled to Paris on Memorial Day weekend to celebrate (you can read about it here and here). This year, we are traveling to Burgundy, France, to celebrate on a small-town level in a bed and breakfast. I am so excited! More on that when we get back.

This month, our family had two other celebrations: my niece’s sixth birthday (Happy Birthday, Emma!) and John’s brother and sister-in-law’s second wedding anniversary (yes we got married within one week of each other).

Our garden is also starting to require a bit of attention. I’m not sure what’s going on, but our pepper plants are looking pathetic. They’re looking a little shriveled but not in a dry way. If wilty were a word, that’s how I’d describe them. I thought it was because of how much rain we got (about 3 weeks straight with no sun), but they’re looking even more puny after 4 days of sunshine. Does anyone have any advice?

Perhaps the most exciting thing besides our anniversary is the fact that we are now down to 51 weeks until John signs out of the Army. Hooray! I don’t plan on counting week by week, but it is exciting to say that we have less than a year to go. We will probably pack up our household goods in about 9 months. Crazy!

On a pathetic note, I was searching through our archives today and found another anniversary of sorts. Today is the one-year anniversary of owning my iPhone. I can’t believe I decided to include that tidbit in this post. I am not sure what it says about me.


  1. Happy Anniversary! I hope you two have a fabulous time in France! I wish my husband and I could have done something like that for our anniversary! 🙂

    This may be a silly question, but do you give your plants any plant food? I have some herbs and onions that I grew from seeds, and after coming up a little ways, they started to get a little “wilty,” too. I started putting some plant food in the watering can, and they really perked up. I also have some potted flowers out front, and they were the same way, only it turns out that they were getting too much harsh sun. I had to move them closer to the door so they’d get a little more shade.

    P.S. I made the sour cream chicken last night, and it was REALLY good!! Can’t wait to try more of the recipes you sent. 🙂

    • Thanks! It really is a blessing to be able to take these trips while we are here.

      We haven’t tried plant food yet. We fertilized about a week or two ago, but that’s it. I will mention that to my husband, and we’ll have ot go hunting in the store for plant food. It’s always an adventure since we only know so much German. It gets us by, but when we need a new product, it always takes some extra time and patience. The sun is a good thought too. I was worried they weren’t getting enough sun because it had been rainy and overcast so often, but the sun didn’t make them perk up either. I know peppers grow really well in Texas, so maybe Germany just isn’t the right climate for them. Maybe it’s too chilly here.

      And I’m glad you enjoyed the chicken! I got that one from Chelsea as part of our wedding gift, so I can’t take the credit 🙂

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