Seven Quick Takes (vol. 13)

1. John and I have been doing a lot of genealogy research lately (thanks!), and I’ve discovered the utility (and blessing) of Census records when doing this research. The 2010 Census is in full swing, and for the life of me, I cannot understand why people complain about it. I’m saddened that it only has 10 fairly general questions on it this year, too. Don’t people know that the government has pretty much all that information on file anyway? The Census is just a nice way to compile it all. Plus, it’s an added bonus for future generations if you complete it. Who knows…maybe your great-great-great-granddaughter will want to find out about you. Without the Census, you’ll leave her with one less clue about who you are. (I wish the Census asked your profession like it used to – that’s one of my favorites to find for a relative!)

2. I never posted the picture of my apple dumpings made from PW’s recipe. Oops. Here it is:

Proof that I need a new camera. Yuck on quality, sorry!

3. By the time this post goes live, we’ll be at the airport…next stop: Tejas! (Hopefully the volcanic cloud of ash from Iceland doesn’t interfere with our travel.)

4. While in Texas, I have several things to get done besides see family and intake massive amounts of Tex-Mex, including getting a haircut. I can’t wait! A few weeks ago, I had a dream about getting my haircut on this trip and the hairdresser didn’t actually cut my hair – he only styled it. When I saw the finished product and asked him if he even cut it and found out the answer was no, I started sobbing uncontrollably. I was so upset because we didn’t have time for me to come back and get my haircut later. Wow, dramatic much?

5. Our little seedlings are doing pretty well. The lavender didn’t sprout as much as we’d hoped, but the strawberries and tomatoes are doing great. We’re going to leave the seedlings with a neighbor. Hopefully they’ll make it through our week-long absence!

6. After some lengthy discussion about where Béni should go during our trip, we decided to leave Béni with a co-wroker for the first few days of our trip. He will take Béni over to Shaunna’s after a few days – he LOVES staying at Zed & Shaunna’s. We’re sad he can’t come iwth us, but we know he’ll have a good time here. Honestly, we were pretty close to bringing him along, but the thought of having him get stuck in Texas due to temperature restrictions wasn’t a risk I wanted to take. Additionally, I didn’t want him to get scared of flying, making the 4 flights roundtrip plus 2 flights to get home next year a horrible experience for him. I want to keep his flying at a minimum. He’s a ground dog. 🙂

7. I can’t think of anything else other than family, queso, Shiner, margaritas, enchiladas, tacos, Fiesta….ahhh! I’m so excited about out trip! Have a great weekend and week next week. We’ll be back to the blogosphere the following week.

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