Ten on Tuesday (vol. 11)

1. What television character do you identify with?
This is hard. I identify with bits and pieces of many fictional characters; good writers figure out a way to make people feel this way, because it gets us hooked on the show. That said, of the shows I watch, I guess I identify most with Lilly from How I Met Your Mother or Betty from Ugly Betty.

2. Describe your morning routine.
I’ll describe a typical weekday morning, because weekends are another story. My first alarm goes off at 6:42 AM. I don’t like odd numbers, and I’m aware that’s weird. I’m ok with it. I recently discovered my mom doesn’t like odd numbers either. I guess it runs in the family. Anyway, I then hit snooze a couple of times before waking up enough to cuddle with Beni a little bit. I finally drag myself out of bed and take a shower, blow dry/straighten my hair (unless it’s a lazy day in which I just blow it dry about 80% and then toss it up in a bun. I have lots of lazy days) and then I continue the typical morning routine including make up and getting dressed. After that’s all complete, I feed Beni, eat breakfast at the table and depending on which week it is, I take Beni for a walk. (John and I trade off weeks. He walks Beni on the weeks when he goes into work at 10.) Finally, I walk/drive to work – depending on the weather.

3. How do you do lunch? Bring from home or dine out? Same thing every day or mix it up?
John and I are blessed to live a 4 (him) and 8 (me) minute walk from home, and we love going home for lunch together. Our lunchtime varies from day-to-day, but we always call ahead and coordinate with each other. We try to keep our lunch menu interesting, but in reality, we only have about 5-6 lunches we rotate between. Each week we change it up, so we only have to buy supplies for one lunch menu each week. Examples: ham and cheese sandwich with chipotle mayo (yum!), tuna melt, chicken Cesar salad, roast beef wraps, peanut butter with banana and honey, and PB&J sandwiches. If we’re livin’ on the edge, sometimes we’ll grab lunch together in the dining facility in John’s building.

4. What is one moment that, although seemingly trivial at the time, changed your life?
I suppose that would be when Hannah convinced me to leave my number for John (when we “first” met). I did not leave my number for boys, and I only did so under the influence of a friend. (Thanks, Hannah!) That said, I think you can turn many seemingly trivial moments in your life into something that changed your life. For example, if John had applied to work at another restaurant, we wouldn’t have met. Or, if I hadn’t gone to Trudy’s and sat at his table, we wouldn’t have met. Or, if a friend hadn’t suggested I check my church’s message board to see if anyone was looking for roommates, I wouldn’t have lived with 3 fabulous roommates my last 2 years in Austin.

5. Name your top three beauty products.
Matrix Essentials Sleek.Look Iron Smoother
CO Bigelow lip gloss
Clinique high-definition mascara

6. What do you do when you’re alone in the car?
It depends on my mood — sometimes I’m contemplative and other times I sing and dance around. I do not, however, talk on the phone. Unless you have a headset, it’s illegal in Germany, and I think it should be illegal everywhere. Phones cause way too much distraction on the road.

7. What is the ideal city for you to live in? If you can, take this survey (< that’s a link) and tell us the results. Do you agree with them?
Pre-survey, my answer is Austin/San Antonio, TX. I love them both. Internationally, I wouldn’t be sad if I “had” to live in Paris. 🙂
Survey says…Orlando, FL was #1, but guess what?! Austin, TX was #4 and San Antonio was #7. Not too shabby, eh?

8. Are you waiting for something?
Yes! I’m waiting for mid-April to roll around so we can go visit family, I can get my haircut (finally!) and we can be 1 month away from our anniversary getaway!

9. What was the last shocking news you heard?
I have no idea.

10. What are three things you wouldn’t do for a million dollars?
I would not have John stay in the Army, hurt someone, or steal something in exchange for a million dollars. Basically, I wouldn’t be a spy 🙂

Visit Chelsea’s blog for more 10 on Tuesday fun!


  1. I would love to be able to go home for lunch with my boyfriend! But as it is, he and I can go days without actually seeing each other while awake! Maybe one day.
    Oh, and I definitely wouldn’t be sad either, if I had to live in Paris!

  2. fun list. i can tell the weather is better in germany. i can hear it in your words. and i think it’s really awesome that beni gets one-on-one time in the morning with each of you. such a great system!!
    don’t like odd numbers…hmmmm. odd.

    • Yeah, we like that we only have to leave him alone for about 6 hours during the day, which is broken up by lunch, making it even nicer.

      And not liking odd numbers even transcends to volume levels. Hehe…I couldn’t resist! Actually, volume levels don’t bother me anymore, but I still prefer even numbers.

  3. I’m jealous that you two get to eat lunch AT HOME TOGETHER every day! That’s awesome!

    • It definitely is. We are going to miss that part of our day once we move back. We know that we’re not likely to have that kind of lunchtime arrangement again while working.

  4. I wish I could walk to work! My fiance and I work at the same company but we dont get to have lunch together, you’re so lucky.

  5. You’re so lucky to be able to work such a short distance from your home…

    Have a wonderful Wednesday…

    • Thanks hope you had a great Wednesday as well!

      And yes, we’re very lucky. We used to live further away, but we got to move last summer, and we’re loving it!

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