Seven Quick Takes (vol. 11)

1. It has snowed (albeit lightly) off an on since last night. Nothing extra is sticking, but now it’s just the principle of the matter. It’s mid-March for goodness sakes! Bring on the sun and the blooming flowers.

2. Morgan and Audrey arrive Sunday morning for their week-long visit, and we are so excited to see them and get to share a bit of our lives with them.

3. This  morning I was on my way to the bathroom at work, which meant I had to walk past 4 German contractors putting together furniture in the other half of our building. Right before I got to the bathroom, the oldest dirty man said “Guten Morgen” to me in a creepy flirtatious manner. I was creeped out and just walked past him. What I should have said was, “please move. I have to poop.” TMI? Oh, sorry.

4. Béni has gotten a mind of his own lately. Not too long ago, we started taking him outside briefly without a leash. When we said go home, he would be pretty good about running back to the door. Yesterday, however, he ran a big circle around me and took off for the courtyard. By the time I ran around there (in my work shoes, mind you), he was in the far corner of the yard. I lured him in with a stick and had to trek though ice/snow with my shoes clearly meant for warmer weather. Brr!

5. With only 14 months left until we can move back to the States, we are starting to make some plans and things aren’t quite looking like we initially planned. I didn’t realize secure I felt in the old plans until everything changed. I know that we’ll have great adventures whatever we decide and it will be good because we’re together. That said, it’s still frightening not really knowing what our lives will look like in 14 months when the Army kicks us out the door. All we know for sure is that we have an awesomely supportive family as well as great friends back home. That’s enough to get us through!

Was all of that gibberish? I hope not.

6. I am going to the craft store this evening, and I’m giddy. Fridays are Fat Quarter Fridays, where they sell 5 for the price of 4. I’m looking forward to adding a few more fabrics to the quilt I want to make for John. Some day I will actually start the quilt…

7. We have been making time to read before bed every night, and I’m loving it. I used to read before bed every night when I was younger, but college kind of destroyed my hunger for leisure reading (as well as any chance of reading before bed that wasn’t studying). It’s good to get back into it.


  1. I SO wish you’d said that to the man! That would have been amazing.

    14 months is SO soon! I’m so excited for yall to come back!

    • I’m glad you commented on that. I was worried I went too far with posting that on our blog!

      And I WILL write you back tonight. I have been sans personal email since Friday really (I was really sick Firday-Saturday) and Sunday we picked up some friends at the airport who are staying with us fo rthe week. I gave them my iPhone, so I don’t have any way to check my email except late at night when the computer is free and guests don’t need to be entertained. 🙂

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