101 in 1001: March 2010 Update

It’s been about 2 months since we’ve done an update on our 101 in 1001, so I suppose it’s time to see how our progress is going.

Starting off, I have some “bad” news. We had two items that were previously crossed off that we will now have to “uncross.” Last week, we cancelled our Western Mediterranean cruise, so:

1. Go to Spain.
Scheduled for this summer in conjunction with our cruise! Scratch that.
2. Go on a cruise.
Scheduled for this summer! Scratch that too

Bummer, I know. However, John and I have planned to try to take several other mini vacations instead, and actually, we are much more excited about this. Honestly, neither of us is particularly interested in going to Spain anymore.

5. Sarah: Try at least 1 new recipe every month. 

  • 1/2009: King Ranch Chicken (my paternal grandmother’s recipe)
  • 2/2009: “Easy Parm Chicken” (also my paternal grandmother’s recipe)

10. Sarah: Get new glasses.
I’m happy to report that I went to the optometrist a couple weeks ago and now have a new prescription for glasses. I will be buying a new pair when we’re in Texas visiting family. Then, I can finally use my in-network coverage for the vision insurance I pay into…grumble grumble.

21. Go to Fiesta in 2010.
Planned for this year!

22. Try a new cheese once a month for a year. (4/12)

  •  1/2009: We tried some sort of goat cheese that again, unfortunately, neither of us liked.
  • 2/2009: I tried white cheddar for the first time. Oh my gosh. Yum!

27. Get a new TV.
Yay! We did this in January or February. We also bought a new sound system. They were good buys!

43. Back up all our digital pictures.
A couple weeks ago, I thought my laptop was failing. All our photos are now backed up on a hard drive. It only took a real scare for me to cross this off my to-do list. It’s been on the list for 2-3 years. Eep!

46. Have fresh flowers on our kitchen table 3 times. (1/3)
John bought me flowers for my birthday!

There we go. 101 in 1001 updated. It’s amazing that this list is only a few months old and already some of the things on the list don’t interest us anymore. We will give it another couple months before I remove those from our list. Maybe we’ll add a few new ones. Is that considered cheating?


  1. I don’t think it’s cheating. Your list is bound to evolve along with you!

    I just bought fresh flowers for myself for the first time the other day, they were on special at HEB so I grabbed a bunch when I was in there buying something else. I love them! I have them in a little vase next to my TV and they make me happy every time I see them. I hope I haven’t started an expensive, hard to break habit!

  2. Hey, it was good to see you today! Sorry I wasn’t really quite “with it”, Mikey woke up and wanted to go out in the snow before I’d even had a chance to drink my coffee, lol, so I wasn’t quite awake!

    Mikey talked about Beni the whole way back to our apartment! He loves dogs, but just gets a little nervous when they’re the same size as him.

    • That’s ok. It was good to see you too. Sorry again that Beni was so rambunctious. He loves kids, but I know not all kids love rambunctious dogs. Right before you all came through the courtyard, we were talking about how we can tackle the issue of Beni not always responding when we call him. Food bribes don’t always work, which astronishes us, especially with a lab!

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