Seven Quick Takes (vol. 8)

It’s been a full week since I updated last. My apologies! I seldom get on the computer at home anymore, which leads to a neglected blog and email inbox. Eep!

I figured Friday would be the “easiest” day to jump back into blogging since I have several short things to share, which fit in well with the normal Seven Quick Takes Friday blog post. Without further ado…

  1. I have been putting together our company Christmas party since September/October. It’s finally taking place tonight. It’s being held at a castle in one of the small towns nearby! I really hope it goes well. We have 88-90 people scheduled to attend.
  2. It has gotten much colder lately. I sit right by the front door at work, and every time someone comes in or out, I get blasted with cold air. Brr!
  3. I can now purl (a knitting stitch) rather well. Practice makes perfect! I will post pictures when I have a finished product.
  4. My parents and younger brother arrive here a week from yesterday. Hurray! My mom might have bronchitis, so please pray that she is feeling better before their flight.
  5. We did a heavy clean of our living/dining area last night and ended up rearranging the room. I like it so much better now. It’s set much more for a family area rather than just two people.

    part of our living area (sorry I only took 2 pictures) - click to enlarge image

    our tree!

  6. Our swim gear finally arrived in the mail yesterday. We ordered it at the beginning of November – it took 6 weeks to get here!!
  7. When my family visits, we had planned to go to a couple small towns in France. I don’t know where I wrote the names of the towns down, but I can’t find it. I keep staring at a map of northeastern France in hopes that the names of the towns will jump out at me. So far, no such luck. Ideally, we would like to take my family to Paris, but it’s just so expensive to stay in a hotel in Paris.


  1. Reasons I’m jealous:
    -I want to go to a party in a castle.
    -I want to be able to purl. I quit because it was too hard.
    -I want a clean house.

    • Aw, well if your company decides to give you more than 4 days off, you guys should come here and we’ll find a party in a castle to crash.

      Also, if you want, I’d be happy to teach you to knit/purl sometime.

      Re: clean house….don’t we all? I’m a bit annoyed with myself that it takes family coming to visit for our house to look the way I wish it ALWAYS looked. There are not enough hours in a day…

  2. Hey girl!
    We tried to send you a Christmas Card but it got sent back and I realized you moved! You should email me your new address!
    sarahjohnson2310 at gmail dot com.

  3. Your tree is so beautiful! That’s so exciting that you get to host Christmas in your own home. I hope you enjoy all that special time with your parents and brother. 🙂

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