Ten on Tuesday (vol. 2)

With tomorrow being one of my first full days off from work in the past 6 months, I’m glad Chelsea at Roots and Rings has already taken care of the subject of today’s post: her Ten on Tuesday questions!


1. What gift are you most proud of giving?
While dating, John and I spent a great deal of time apart. Between his basic and advanced training courses as well as his assignment to Germany, we had to figure out other ways to stay connected instead of going on dates and hanging out in the evenings. One thing we did was frequently send random text messages. I saved most of our conversations and wrote them down in a journal. When we got married, I included all those texts, as well as all our old handwritten letters (and some emails later on) sent while he was in training. I also included photos from the times we were together. I love this scrapbook that I ended up giving him the week of our wedding.

2. What’s the best gift you ever received?
This is a multi-answer question. 1 – my engagement ring and wedding band. 2 – the necklace John gave me on our wedding day. The necklace is a diamond drop necklace with 3 diamonds. The first is from my maternal grandmother’s wedding ring. The second is from his paternal grandmother’s wedding ring and the third is a new diamond from him to me. I cried when it was given to me.

3. In honor of my husband: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I have been very lucky. I have never anything major happen to me. I haven’t even had my wisdom teeth out (not yet, at least). The most traumatic injury that I have had, however, was in second grade when I tripped on a speed bump and busted my lip and elbows open. I even cut that piece of skin just inside the upper lip. Ouch. I was in the school nurse’s office for hours before getting sent home (only to go to doctor’s visits to ensure everything was ok).

4. They say everyone gets 15 minutes of fame. Who’s 15 minutes has gone on far too long? (The Gosselins are not acceptable answers, be more creative.)
Gee, being over here, I don’t get subjected to quite as much media. I’m not sure. I recruited John for some help on this one and between the two of us, we couldn’t come up with anything other than John & Kate, so call us uncreative, but we’re throwing in the towel on this one.

5. You have 20 minutes and $1000. What do you buy?

I add in another $500 or so from us and I get a big flat screen TV from the PX. We have 1 TV, and it’s small by most people’s standards. Also, it’s 220v – aka it won’t work in the US, so when we move back, we’ll be tv-less.

If it’s against the rules to add in our own money, then I would (assuming I could be anywhere when I receive this money — any FYI I’d be in the States so I could spend it more easily and it wouldn’t automatically be reduced to 650 Euro) buy John a number of nice slacks, sweaters, and button downs for when he enters the civilian workforce in 18 months. If I had time and money left over, I’d go get myself a pumpkin spice latte and I’d get a huge bone for Béni.

6. Tell me three blogs that I need to read.

There’s not much I can suggest that I haven’t already, so here are two of my current favorite “reads.”

I worked for these two women when I lived in Austin, and they’re both very talented photographers. Sometimes it’s nice to have a break from all the reading and to just be able to look at pretty pictures!

7. Would you rather go without pizza or ice cream for the rest of your life?
Pizza. Although I loooove pizza Hawaii (pineapples and ham), I would miss all the varieties of ice cream/gelato, especially Blue Bell and Ben & Jerry’s.

8. Would you rather go to a beach or a snowy mountain?
I used to say beach, but living in Germany has given me an increased appreciation for the beauty and majesty of mountains. I honestly can’t decide. I loved sitting on the beach in Mexico on our honeymoon sipping cocktails and enjoying the sun and relaxing sound of the waves (pictures here, here and here), but I also loved our brisk hike through the Swiss valley near Jungfrau in Lauterbrunnen.

9. Are you a night owl or a morning person?
Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m either. I used to be a night owl, but living the Army life has forced both John and me to become accustomed to waking up and getting moving early in the day. I don’t mind getting up in the morning nearly as much as I used to. And most nights, I have to be in bed by 10 or else I get grumpy. Speaking of, it’s 10:08 PM. Grumble. Grumble.

10. What word do you always misspell?
I’m not sure. I’m sure there’s something I’m always misspelling and don’t even know about!



  1. Pizza Hawaii… LOL we have lived in Germany for too long.

  2. Mmmmm Pizza Hawaii.

    If you guys get that magic $1000 and decide to get a new TV, we’re in the market for a used German one, so sell it to us! 😀

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