Seven Quick Takes (vol. 4)

I look forward to sharing my Seven Quick Takes with y’all each week, and this week is especially fun. After writing my list, I realized how much we have to look forward to in the coming month/months… Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, anniversaries, visits from family, learning new things…Fun!!!

Head over to Conversion Diary to see everyone else’s Seven Quick Takes!


  1. Last Saturday, I spent 6 hours in a quilting class. I learned how to make a 16”x16” or 18”x18” (I can’t remember which) table topper using fabric from 5 fat quarters. A fat quarter is a half of a yard of fabric cut in half length-wise, or 18”x22” of fabric. I worked fairly slowly and wasn’t able to do the binding, so I am going back during open sew next weekend to finish. I will post pictures of the finished product once I wrap up the project.
  2. It’s one month and 4 days until my parents and younger brother come to visit. I’m excited!!!
  3. It was incredibly odd to have a day off from work in the middle of the week this week. It was really nice, though. John and I had a leisurely lunch at the Kaffeehaus and did some shopping.
  4. Monday is the second anniversary of our engagement. Two years ago, John was preparing to take me to Garmisch to propose to me in the Alps. Hurray! To celebrate, we’re going to enjoy a yummy dinner out this weekend. I can’t wait!
  5. One of the gifts I want to get for John – his main gift actually – is sold out everywhere. I’m bummed. I gave away all my other gift ideas to other family members. Bummer.
  6. At lunch today, Béni was so excited to see me when I walked in the door that he ran head first very hard into my shins. His poor head! And my poor shins!
  7. We saw Julie & Julia last weekend, and although I felt inspired to cook while I was watching it, our kitchen is still a disaster and only churning out freezable meals. Maybe someday I’ll make her famous boeuf bourguignon.


  1. We all need more time and money to cook like Julia Child!

    What was the gift idea for John? (You can email me!) Men are hard to shop for!

  2. ahhhhhh (big sigh) julia child. so inspiring and yet so intimidating!! glad you liked it! how about the hubster?

  3. #1- Awesome! Quilting is something I’d love to learn how to do.

    #4- Congratulations!

    #7- Loved that movie! It made hungry and inspired to cook! 🙂

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