We’ve been meaning to post but we haven’t had time…


So this morning I sat down to read my dose of Roots and Rings. Chelsea always has something interesting to say and if you don’t read her blog, you should. Today she noted that another blogger had written about people who say “I wish I could do…” but then never make the effort to do whatever it is their heart’s desire. Along those lines, I can’t stand it when people say “I haven’t had time to…” I left a comment about this over on RnR, but I had to get my rant out here as well…

It is a huge pet-peeve of mine when people tell me that they “haven’t had time to…”

“I wanted to call you last week but I didn’t have time.”

“I wanted to read ‘Harry Potter’ but I haven’t had time.”


Very few people “don’t have time” to do things.

But John, I work 12 hours a day 5 days a week and… blah blah blah. The fact is, most of us have time that we spend relaxing, watching TV, going for a walk, working on a home improvement, mowing the lawn, doing whatever.

Instead of telling me you didn’t have the time to do it, please tell me that you have had the time, but you’ve chosen to spend your time doing something else. I promise not to be offended.







  1. Tell that to my hubby. 12 hours a day, 5 days a week sounds like a vacation to him. You saw his schedule when you all visited and he wasn’t even on call. Try 36 hours straight and then see if you have time to read Harry Potter. Poor Louie. 🙁 Me on the otherhand… your rant totally applies to me.

    • I would certainly have no desire to read Harry Potter after working 36 hours straight! Yikes! Louie is special. Very special, (possibly even so special that he could ride the short bus) KIDDING!!! 🙂 Really, I’m not suggesting that everyone has time to do everything they want to do. I am just saying that when someone says “I didn’t have time,” that isn’t actually the case. In Louie’s case, he would have had time to read Harry Potter if he hadn’t chosen to be a doctor. So when someone asks, “did you get around to reading harry potter?” he can say “I haven’t read it. Instead I decided to invest my time in becoming a doctor, and in my off time I choose to sleep because I place a higher priority on sleep than leisure reading.”

  2. Yeah, but it is just easier to say “I haven’t had time” because sometimes it’s just non of peoples business why you didn’t take the time to do something.

    • It’s just as easy to say, “I chose not to do it” or “I chose to do something else.” I would rather hear the truth (that you chose not to do it), than have you lie to me and say “I didn’t have time.” You don’t have to share all of the details, just don’t tell me you haven’t had time when the truth is, you have had the time but you have chosen to place a higher priority on something else.

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  4. you make time for the things that are important to you. and sometimes, I don’t call my sister back b/c How I Met Your Mother is more important than her. Sometimes.

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