Seven Quick Takes (vol. 3)

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another (my second!) round of Seven Quick Takes. Admittedly, I forgot all about it last week, but I’m back on board now. Visit Conversion Diary to see everyone else’s Seven Quick Takes this week.


1. I wore orange and white today as a nod to Halloween, which is not nearly as cute as the elementary school Halloween costume parade I witnessed this afternoon. The kids from the DODDS school on post had a short 2-3 block parade around the school with an MP car escort. Parents were standing on the sidewalks waving and taking pictures. Freaking adorable.

2. Béni keeps wiping his doggie snot on my shirt right before I go to work. Is this what it’s like to have kids? My mom said she once spent the day at work with baby spit up on the back of her skirt and didn’t know it. It was probably my fault. Oops.

3. The trees have exploded this week. Some trees around our building are almost bare now. Winter, here we come. On that note, Kenneth Cole jacket, where are you? (I ordered one about a month ago and had it shipped to my parents. They mailed it to me almost two weeks ago. I’m going to need it soon!)

4. It’s only 55 days until Christmas. Living overseas, that’s more like only 30 days since I have to allocate time for shipping. I still have two major Christmas projects to do and 4 people’s gifts to buy. Yikes!

5. As a result of daylight savings time last week (Europe does it one week earlier than the US in the fall), it gets dark so early now. This is my 3rd year to experience it, but it still surprises and annoys me. Today the sun sets at 5:09 PM. Imagine going to work just after it gets light and getting off work when it’s dark. No fun, right? Oh well, at least the Christmas markets are just around the corner!

6. We made Pumpkin Yumkins and Mar-A-Lago Turkey Burgers this past week. The pumpkin muffins were great, but I recommend no icing at all. I wasn’t a big fan of the yogurt icing and thought they tasted great without any topping. I’d also be willing to try cream cheese on top or even a buttercream or powdered sugar-based icing. The turkey burgers were also tasty. However, if you make them, just be careful with the patty size. We halved the recipe and had 5 LARGE patties. I would say halving the recipe yields 6 patties. Also, if you make them, be sure to get ground turkey breast. If you just get ground turkey, it includes the dark meat too, and this yields nearly the same nutritional value as ground beef.

7. Tonight is our friend’s birthday party. She and her husband aren’t affiliated with the military, so there are a number of American goodies they can’t get on the German economy, so we’ll be bringing some fun treats to the party (root beer, Oreos, Sun Chips, chips & dip, etc.). I’m sure we’ll look like some enthusiastic health nuts when we go to the check out at the grocery store. Hah!

Happy Friday & Happy (early) Halloween!



  1. 1. I would have LOVED to see that.
    2. Just another reason that dogs are here to prepare us for children!!

    • It really was adorable. My sister also sent me pictures on Saturday of my niece doing the same thing back in Texas. She was a UT cheerleader, which is awesome. She has been saying “hook ’em” since she was 2.

  2. I just found out that overseas starts daylight savings time a week before here. And for some reason that was fascinating to me 🙂

    Oh, and having a dog is *kinda* like having a baby. Except the baby grows up and stops puking on you eventually 🙂

    • Yeah, we really like when it’s only 6 hours difference between Texas and us. 7 hours makes calling home just a little trickier.

      Funny about the baby/dog thoughts. So true…

  3. 7. Thanks for being there! You guys are awesome 😀

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