Plan 2

The start of October brought a bit of panic to my plate when I realized how close Christmas is and how much I still need to get done. I planned on making our stockings this year, and I have not even learned to sew or quilt yet. When I put it like that, it does sound a bit ridiculous, doesn’t it?

Well, in an effort to cross something off my to do list, John and I set out to take our Christmas card picture this weekend. We wanted a photo of the two of us together with Béni. Not having someone here that could take the photo for us, I opted for the aid of my tripod and the 10-second timer function. Unfortunately, either I looked frumpy, John’s eyes were closed or we were attending to Béni who was doing everything but looking at the camera. I think we got a taste of what it would be like to take a Christmas card photo with children. We aren’t yet patient enough to be parents.

Béni was way more interested in all the sticks, leaves and smells than sitting and looking handsome. Every time we set him on the bench next to me, he would look down and do his best to get off the bench.

After about 10-15 minutes, both John and I had lost our patience and gave up. I think we’ll have to find a two photo card so we can put in separate photos of us and of Béni.



  1. Haha. That sucks. Rookie isn’t very photogenic. Not sure if I want her in our photo!

    • Yeah…I’m just hoping we can figure out a good photo of just John and me this weekend. I spent all week thumbing through photos we have taken this past year, and there are only a handful of the two of us – almost all of which were taken by either John or me, so they’re just close up crazy shots.

  2. Just saw your comment on Vesper and thought I will check you out.. IF you want, I am probably going to head down accross the river from the Heidelberg Castle with some other friends one of those day AS soon as there is not too much rain, and since I will take pictures of them, I can probably take pics of you too! Not prob for me, the more the merrier. Let me know!! TTFN

    • Hi! I was going to try to figure out something this weekend in between all our errands, but if it doesn’t work out, I might take you up on your offer. Thanks! 🙂

  3. Hi Sarah! Thanks for the comment! I will have to add your URL for my daily reads. Love the pic at the top of your blog!

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